Universal Recognition Token (URT) welcomes ICO expert Michele Zilocchi to its advisory board!

Universal Recognition Token (URT)
2 min readJul 31, 2018


We’ve believed from day one that building a strong team and a robust supporting cast is one of the most important aspects of a successful token project. Today, we’ve taken another step in this direction by adding Michele Zilocchi to our advisory board.

Michele is a crypto expert, a public figure and a valuable ICO advisor. Michele maintains a high rating and expert status on ICO Bench and has been involved in several, high profile ICOs giving him the status of Head Crypto Advisor at Amica Borsa, a leading financial services website in Italy. Michele is well connected, highly experienced and has deep ties to the industry, having worked on well over a dozen successful projects.

We believe his insights and know how on taking a successful project over the finish line will be an integral inner voice as we continue to roll along into the next phase of our ICO. When we first met with Michele, he immediately understood the significance of the Universal Recognition Token marketplace and the disruptive power of our platform, both in the United States and abroad. Michele, with a fresh European perspective on the issue of employee rewards and recognition, thinks the project has the capacity to change the corporate world:

“In my opinion, URT will be the catalyst of the next generation for gifts that companies will give to their employees. To me, Universal Recognition Token’s way of decentralizing gifts is something entirely novel not only in the blockchain community but the software industry at large. With an Advisory Board of entrepreneurs from some of the most prominent companies in the world, it’s a pleasure, and honor but also a big challenge for me to join the Advisory Board of Universal Recognition Token.”

We’d like to give Michele a warm welcome to the URT community and convey our excitement to you as we continue to bolster our team and get ready for the next step in our journey!


Brendan & The URT Team

