#16 Days: Baaratou is Helping Girls Envision a New Future in Niger

2 min readDec 3, 2015


Illustration by Jason Drakeford

In Niger, it’s common for girls to get married as young as 14 years old and miss out on the opportunity to attend school.

They grow up lacking knowledge about reproductive health and nutrition, leading to high rates of chronic malnutrition and pregnancy complications affecting them and their future kids.

“I suffered a lot during my first pregnancy and delivery at 16 and the second two years later,” says Baaratou, a 20-year-old mentor who was selected by her community to help create a supportive environment for girls.

Baaratou is part of the Safe Spaces project implemented by USAID and Mercy Corps that tackles chronic malnutrition and improves livelihoods. She meets regularly with girls from the community to discuss sensitive issues such as early marriage and pregnancy.

Young girls convene for a “safe spaces” discussion. / Sean Sheridan, Mercy Corps

Since 2013, more than 2,400 adolescent girls have participated. The project also brings young men together at “husband schools” to openly discuss family planning and the need to delay marriage.

Through her work, Baaratou promotes teamwork and builds confidence. By focusing on adolescent girls, she helps educate them on important issues at a crucial time — before many of them become mothers.

Hannatou is a 14-year old girl who refused her family’s request to get married last year. With Baaratou’s help, she was able to discuss the situation with her parents and ultimately delay her wedding.

One group at a time, Baaratou is improving educational prospects and livelihoods among girls by helping them gain the confidence to advocate for themselves, and work toward a safe and positive future. “I’ve always said that if I had my choice, I’d be in school, not a housewife, and this has attracted the attention of many girls.”

Learn More: https://www.usaid.gov/16-days

This post is part of USAID’s 16 Days storytelling series. Please check back tomorrow for the next installment.




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