The Dynamic Duo — OneNote

3 min readOct 10, 2017


OneNote is a free note taking app that can be used in a variety of ways. All USAO staff, faculty, and students can access OneNote and other Microsoft 365 tools for free.

We have shared a tech byte regarding OneNote, we had a professional development session on OneNote. Now we are sharing a page of the IDEA.

OneNote can be accessed in a several different ways:

Getting Started

You are now in “My Notebook” on your Quick Notes tab on the first page of your notebook. If you are on your tablet, click toe draw tab and start writing with your finger or stylus. On your phone try leaving a voice memo. Create a shopping list on the web browser on your computer.

One of the features of OneNote is that you can start writing a note anywhere on the screen. Notes do not need to be organized in a strict structure. However, for those who like neat columns and bullet points, OneNote has those features as well.

The tabs across the top of the web page work like a binder. You can combine different related units or pieces together in one notebook. Each tab can have as many pages as you need. Think of a notebook as a textbook, it has chapters with pages. All of it related. Your starter notebook also has links to several short videos on getting the most from OneNote:

OneNote allows you to search through all of your notes for key words or phrases. You can upload any file type. If you upload one of the Office 365 files or a PDF, you can display all of the pages of the file. You can share a notebook with others for easy collaboration. There is a web clipper chrome extension that makes it easy to grab content off of the web. For teachers or team leaders there is the OneNote Class Notebook Add-In. This add-in makes it easy to share items with your students AND give them their own notebook to work in.

One of the best features of OneNote is that no matter what device you are on, your notes sync up. You can start a note in your web browser and finish it on your phone while walking to the car.

Questions or issues? What do you like about OneNote that was not listed here? Email Scott and share your experience.




The USAO-IDEA will be a monthly newsletter that will provide tips and tricks for learning how to use educational technology.