How to create a demo account

3 min readDec 10, 2022


(Do not disclose inside information)

1: The first step is to open an account! open url


2: After successfully opening an account, you will come to this interface!

Choose according to your mobile phone situation!
Most commonly used is Google

3: After downloading and installing the app, open the APP

Complete registration!

You can now see that 500,000 simulated USDT has been displayed!
That’s all there is to a demo account!

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(Next, let’s talk about how to follow the signal to make money)

The internal information signals of each market are purchased from a company in the United States at a high price, please do not disclose it to anyone!
How to buy after receiving this signal?

Signal data is money. The value of each piece of data is very expensive!

1: First open MT5app. Then find (BTCUSD)

2: Click BTCUSD! then click new order

3: Then look at the picture below. We will see this interface!

find the signal you see

4: Here you only need to enter tp: 16912
Note that BTCUSDT is followed by (Sell), so we click (Sell) below

This is how to select orders based on signals. Signals change frequently, please read carefully what the sender sends!

