Why We Serve: Jordan Ginn

In this series you’ll hear stories from USDSers and learn why they decided to join, why they stay, and how their work is making an impact for all Americans.

United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service
4 min readNov 10, 2020


Jordan Ginn (he/ him), technical recruiter @ USDS HQ. Previously at a tech startup and his first tour at USDS. From Tacoma, WA.

What’s your background?

I started my post-college career as a teacher in the south Bronx for two years then transitioned to social work trying to assist folks in getting themselves in the workforce and off TANF. That put me in the employment space which eventually became headhunting for corporate clients. (I sold out and figured I wanted to make more than a nonprofit salary). However from headhunting, to internal recruiting, to middle management — I never fully felt comfortable in corporate America, despite many successes. So that’s when…

When did you first join USDS? What drew you to apply initially?

…Victor Arellano reached out to me summer of 2016 and introduced me to the notion that I could leverage my corporate skill set to do more than bring in revenue or help a company sell itself to another company. I was enthused by the thought that every person I brought to USDS could help thousands if not millions of people.

The impact potential was something I couldn’t pass up.

When did you leave? What did you do afterwards?

I left in November of 2019 and went to a small start-up. I had spent over 3 years, and it just seemed like I should have a next step.

Jordan with his sons.

How did you start thinking about coming back? What’s the biggest change you’ve seen since your return?

Well, while I wish the startup the best, it was just not a great fit from the onset. It was a great company filled with smart and capable people, but its a different vibe when there’s VC money, revenue targets and profit margins. It was just not where I belonged. The friends I left behind at USDS were genuinely friends — in a capacity I’d never found in corporate America. So I never lost contact with them completely.

Simply put, I missed them, I missed the mission and found myself longing to return pretty soon after leaving.

So my job was just OK before Covid…then the pandemic hit and it became untenable. I also hated the feeling that I was not somehow involved with a solution to the greatest health crisis in a century. I texted my friend, and the director of talent, Andréa Viza, shortly after my last job flamed out and asked “Can I come back?” Within a very short time I was able to make my way back home.

What lessons would you offer your past self at the beginning of your first tour?

Nothing. I did a perfect job and made no mistakes.

J/K…umm, I think earlier I should have recognized that everyone was just playing their own version of improvisational jazz to the tune of imposter syndrome.

So I’d have told myself to speak up more at the beginning when I knew I had the best idea. It’s an organization that actually listens to the best idea, which is more rare than it should be.

How does your work or the work of USDS make an impact?

I love the fact that every person I bring in is enabled to potentially affect millions of people. So the fact I get to bring in several people touching millions of lives is an honor. It’s a humbling position that to think of the most impactful Americans like Abraham Lincoln, MLK, Dr. Dre and Steve Jobs…I’m kinda right there behind them, ya know?

What has been your biggest challenge?

Breaking through people’s assumptions about what government can be. We’ve been lulled into lowered expectations when you think of government technology. It makes folks (understandably) resistant to hearing about us. When they do, most people are wowed by how much of an impact their skillset can have.

What do you want to do after USDS?

Undrafted NBA walk on.

What will you miss most about USDS when you leave?


The best of technology.
The best of government.
And we want you.

We’re looking for the most tenacious designers, software engineers, product managers, and more, who are committed to untangling, rewiring and redesigning critical government services. You’ll join a team of the most talented technologists from across the private sector and government.
If you have questions regarding employment with the U.S. Digital Service, please contact us at usds@omb.eop.gov and visit usds.gov/apply.



United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service

The U.S. Digital Service is a group of mission-driven professionals who are passionate about delivering better government services to the public.