Why We Serve: Kirsten Green

In this series you’ll hear stories from USDSers and learn why they decided to join, why they stay, and how their work is making an impact for all Americans.

United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service
4 min readNov 17, 2020


Attending the White House holiday party is a little-known USDS perk!

Kirsten Green (she/her), Acquisition Strategist @ USDS HQ. From Port Saint John, Florida.

What’s your background?

I started my federal career in 2000, working as a secretary supporting a project management office at the National Park Service in Denver. Since then, I have dabbled in contracting, finance & budget, human resources, training, helpdesk support, system administration, and as a contracting officer. I have had the honor of serving in the following amazing agencies: National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, the General Services Administration (GSA), GSA’s Technology Transformation Service, and the awesome and amazing USDS.

Prior to USDS, what’s the coolest project you’ve worked on?

I have been lucky to work on many cool contracts throughout my 20 years of service.

I am an Army brat, so a few of my most proud contracts include supporting military work being done in Afghanistan and inspection work being done on F-16 aircrafts.

Some of the coolest are probably construction and supply/service contracts I worked on at the National Park Service. I helped rebuild the main road in Gettysburg National Park, built a log dam in Olympic National Park, repaired the air conditioning units in Boston National Historic Park, remodeled the visitor center in Saguaro National Park.

How did you find out about USDS and what made you decide to apply?

While working at GSA, I was accepted to participate in the USDS DITAP Pilot. It is the hardest training course I have ever taken in my government career, but it pushed me to think outside the box, and learn techniques that help change the way the government procures digital services. I kept in touch with many of my classmates, and Traci Walker, USDS Director of Procurement, encouraged me to do a 6-month detail at USDS. After the first few months, I knew USDS was the place for me, and I was hired on in December.

Is your work at USDS different from previous roles you’ve held?

My work at USDS is 100% different from any of my previous roles. However, I have found all the different things I have done in the government help me be successful at USDS. Now, I use all of the skills I have gained to help other contracting officers learn different methodologies, think outside the box, and try new things. It is hard. There are many roadblocks. But there is never a dull moment on any of my USDS projects.

Has your time at USDS changed your view of what’s possible in government?

I work with A LOT of smart, cool people who aren’t afraid to try new things, and then learn from the results. I see how important technology is, and how far behind the government really is when it comes to technology.

After your tour will you continue to serve in government?

You bet. I love being a public servant. I love showing we are good people who do work hard.

What will you miss most about USDS when you leave?

Civil servants, in jeans and t-shirts, collaborating on the couches at Jackson Place is NOT the government norm. I will miss the atmosphere for sure!

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United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service

The U.S. Digital Service is a group of mission-driven professionals who are passionate about delivering better government services to the public.