How Instagram Can Help Your Small Business in 2020

With 1 BILLION monthly active users, it is safe to say that Instagram is another powerhouse social network that could rival the success of its parent network Facebook.

US Personal Chef Assn.
4 min readFeb 29, 2020

Are you looking to reach a younger audience? Are you looking to incorporate more compelling images of your best recipes? Are you looking for a fun and engaging social network that will position you in front of a large audience?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then you absolutely need to be using Instagram for your business. Unlike its parent Facebook (Facebook bought Instagram in 2012), Instagram is more visually-focused, relying heavily on photos and videos as opposed to lots of text. This is why Instagram is a perfect choice for a Personal Chef and small business owner, who is looking to connect with clients through their love of food.

Take our Instagram account for example, @USPCA. On our Instagram feed, you will find daily posts featuring the food holiday of the day, an accompanying recipe, and fun and relatable captions that make our audience want to see more. Besides the small amount of text in the caption, most of the heavy lifting on Instagram is done by the visual aspects, including photos and videos. Therefore, Instagram could be a great tool for a chef to share new recipes, show off a dinner party they catered, and even show themselves off in the kitchen whipping up a delicious meal for their clients. In this post, we will share best practices for using Instagram as well as fun ways that you can reach new clients and engage with current clients to maintain long-lasting, mutually-beneficial relationships.

1. Using a Professional (Business) account instead of a personal account

The first way to connect with clients on Instagram is to switch over to a Business account. With a Business account, clients are able to see what kind of services you offer, see your contact information, and even book with you directly from your Instagram account. Converting your Instagram account to a Business account is relatively easy and more information can be found courtesy of Instagram here:

2. Using good content to grow your audience and reach new clients

We can’t say this enough, but Instagram is extremely reliant on visuals such as photos and videos, so it is safe to say that posting your best Chef selfie or a great shot of food you cooked for a client will be a great way to connect with others on the platform. Instagram shares their best ways to create great content here:

3. Using your Business page to connect with clients

Before anything else, Instagram is a SOCIAL network, which means that you should definitely be interacting with others on the platform often. Whether you are liking a client’s latest selfie or commenting on another chef’s post of their delicious foods, connecting with others on the platform is the best way for you to be seen and to grow your audience. Instagram breaks down the best ways to communicate with customers here:

4. Using Insights to understand your audience

Once you’ve converted your Instagram account to a Business account, you will receive access to Instagram Insights. This feature allows you to see the performance of your posts, shows you the best times of the day and week to post so that you receive more likes and comments, and so much more. Instagram provides an in-depth look into Insights here:

5. Using Stories to keep your audience engaged

Instagram Stories are very similar to Facebook Stories. So much so that there is even a feature on both platforms that allows you to post the same Story onto both platforms. Like Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories can be used to share delicious foods and recipes, share funny gifs and memes with your followers, and even share short videos of you having fun in the kitchen. Instagram does a great job of sharing best practices for Stories here:

Overall, all these benefits and more prove that Instagram is another powerhouse social network that can help your small business in 2020.


We know that there are many concerns when it comes to using social media in today’s age of oversharing, whether that comes to sticky political debates online or even data/information security. Here are some things that you should consider to ease your concerns.

A. Social media is (almost always) a FREE platform to exist on with millions of active users and potential clients.

B. Social media platforms are BUSINESSES too, which means that the more engaged the platform is the more likely you will have to “pay to play”. And that doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t want to exist on the platform, it just means understanding your expectations and understanding that every post is unlikely to get millions of views and likes. However, all it takes is ONE paying customer to make it worth your while.

C. Use social media as a way to leave a legacy. These digital platforms allow you to share your love for your craft in pictures, video, audio, and written formats. Find your favorite and leave something fun for your friends and family to remember you by.



US Personal Chef Assn.

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