The internet is a funny place

the ramblings of a salesmen in a new era

5 min readAug 21, 2017

Back in business classes, quite recently actually, we were taught about focus groups and polling passer-bys for a peek into how people live and what their “pains” are. We learned methods of surveying so that we would not influence our sample to what we wanted to hear.

E.g. If you want the truth; this is a bad question:

Q1. Do you prefer Coca Cola or Pepsi?

Q2. What do you drink when you are thirsty?

Of course some people who have the uncommon personality would respond:

A2. Coconut Water

Most, however, would choose one of the two choices presented in Q1, hoping to please the surveyor, avoid confrontation and make everyone’s life easier.

A2. Coke

Obviously enough, this approach is the same, but inverted for sales:

A salesman opens with: “Entrepreneurs typically fit into one of two categories. 1. Those who would rather avoid risk and know that the platform they are creating will be cheap and not entirely useful in its early days. And 2. Those who have fully committed to their platform economically and emotionally and are going to pull every string to get the right platform to market.”

Q1. How do you see yourself?

The open ended question gets the prospective customer to open up about their dreams and the passion they have for this project. Usually this is their “baby”. Parents don’t cheap out on their baby. They will probably label themselves as a cautious group #2, selling themselves on a path to realizing their ambitions at any reasonable cost. If they don’t, they are probably not a great choice of prospect, and your time should be spent elsewhere.

Most of the time they will choose one of the two groups, without you even asking them to. Look back. All you asked was:

Q1. How do you see yourself?

The funny thing about the internet, is that this has turned much of these conversations around. There are so many portals and mediums (is that why this site is called medium?!?!) for people to express their opinions and ask for change. All this released to the world before the wanna-be innovators coax it out of them on a flimsy piece of paper with a tiny yellow pencil.

Physical focus groups “still work”, but there are huge samples of data in the cloud right now and it grows every day! It almost makes the old way of doing things… Pointless…

Studies now suggest that, in a B2B environment, 50–80% of a buyer’s decision is made before even having the first phone call with a salesperson. That’s a lot… And that should put most of my cohort in the poorhouse. It hasn’t, because at the same time that this evolution is happening, there are so many entrepreneurs turning to reddit, facebook, and twitter, and hearing the complaints of these gaps in service that was previously missed. These avatars were basically screaming that they would pay for a better way to do X. These “problems” are so easy to find now.

All it takes is the right team with an open mind and ability to capitalize on a customer serving solution. There are so many of these solutions now, that salesmen are needed more than ever to honestly differentiate and clearly communicate value for the different projects rushing the stage.

Phew… Close call.

The funny thing about the internet is how it changes everything, while allowing everything to stay the same… Does that make sense? We still look for the same problems, but now with the tools that have evolved alongside ourselves. The problems seem to find us now… The sidewalk polling doesn’t make sense anymore. The pushy salesman who exploits weakness doesn’t either. The ICO concept was a direct response to demand and allowed the common person (albeit early adopters) a shot at seed stage projects, and all the upside of them taking off.

Our team at UTRUST saw the internet tiring of the non-existent options for safe crypto currency transactions. The argument echoing through the web:

Why would I ever use bitcoin, if there is no safe way to spend it?

UTRUST has taken it upon ourselves to become that safety net that Paypal has offered buyers and sellers. This critical functionality that services like Bitpay ignore is a completely fundamental step and the key value for mainstream adoption from both sides of any transaction. UTRUST is sprinting to the finish line to bring this platform to the masses.

To thank you all for your continued support. Our Pre-ICO will be open August 28, 2017 at 4pm GMT. Please feel welcome to take part in this project, whether it is for investment, philanthropy, or for the utility of tokens without a transaction fee on our UTRUST platform. We want involved investors, who will understand and use our platform. UTRUST is structured to reward you. Spread the news… You understand network effects ;)

Q1. Do you prefer a life of mediocrity or tokens tied to the next-gen payment processing start-up: UTRUST?

Q2. How are you investing in your next ICO?

…did it work?


at least check us out:

-Nick Olender

VP of Marketing




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