5 Pillars: Spirituality

The First of Five Pillars for Colton Smith.

3 min readJan 23, 2016

I believe there are five individual pillars in my life that must be working cohesively for me to be successful and progress in each aspect of my life. No matter the hat I’m wearing at that moment, whether it be a Soldier, Fighter, Entrepreneur, Father, or Husband etc.

The 5 pillars:

-Emotional/ Mental

The effects of only monitoring a few of the pillars while neglecting others can be detrimental to ones’ progress in any area of their respective lives. Today we are going to talk about my personal faith and what I believe. For me the most important pillar is Spirituality.

Being a Christian is one of the most important things in my life. I lived without true faith for much of my life and I can be the first one to tell you, I have felt the hand of GOD in every aspect of my existence. Through the trials & tribulations, triumphs & victories, I know without a doubt that that I am blessed and anointed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Now before I lose you, whether you believe in the Christian Faith as I do or not, the life lessons and statutes the Holy Bible provides are useful for anyone seeking spiritual enlightenment or just to better their lives all around.

I have endured true evil on earth, the horrors of war, witnessed life taken in mere moments and lost some of the best men to have ever worn a military uniform. All these things didn’t make me question my faith, it cemented it in Christ. I know in my heart, life on earth can be taken in a split second, but whether I live until I’m 101 or 28 years old, my time on this earth is a minuscule fraction of the time I will be in everlasting life in heaven. My battle buddies of past will be greeting me at the gates!

My challenge to you is simple, find your own spiritual center. I will tell you to start with the Holy Bible, but every ones’ journey is different and we must be centered on what is right and just. What would it hurt to believe in something you maybe cannot see or feel? That’s the epitome of having faith. Faith isn’t easy and in fact it might be one of the hardest parts of your life.

If I’m wrong, I’ve only wasted a lifetime. BUT if you're wrong, you have wasted an eternity.

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