Theo The Politico
7 min readJul 25, 2016


Sex Scandals On The Political Left and Right: Megyn Kelly and Roger Ailes Versus Anna Ardin and Julian Assange

[Note: an earlier version of this article equated Julian Assange and Glenn Greenwald as whistleblowers. Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden are whistleblowers while Greenwald is a reporter and Assange is a website facilitator. Donald Trump hired Roger Ailes and Melania Trump is suing people so this update reflects those too.]

Julian Assange allegedly doesn’t like to be told what to do in bed

The old adage reveals something plainly simple. If a person of honor and trustworthiness criticizes another person’s untrustworthiness and dishonor, then that person better not be a hypocrite and have a lot of integrity as back up. Since 2010, Julian Assange has been running away from rape and sexual molestation allegations.

Let’s just say that the conspiracy theory is right: Julian Assange’s rape and sexual molestation allegations by Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilen were manufactured for political reasons. I’m going to pretend to agree with you that a political dragnet was made to ensnare a whistleblower.

Certain countries want to silence Julian Assange because of pressing security concerns, so just like in a steamy Hollywood thriller, two honeytraps were let loose on Julian Assange. One of the honeytraps is still vilified as being part of the dragnet and her name is Anna Ardin. Her charges of rape won’t expire until 2020.

The corrupt puppeteers of the political class really know how to train their puppets. Make an innocent dick rise and when the poor victimized perpetrator penetrates without a condom and is told to stop, but he doesn’t, then the honeytrap can look away and think, “Skål! The shit is really going to hit the fan on this whistleblower. Go America!”

Honeytrap sex puppets do this too: Make a fellow put on a condom, but when the condom breaks, she says no more or something like that, but he continues on anyway. Some people call it “sex by surprise” but it’s not just a surprise, and it’s not about bad sex. Consensual sex can become rape in the same act. Sweden has a law some call “sex by surprise.” Continuing to do a sex act that is not agreed upon, take for another example, all those guys who “accidentally” let it slip into the wrong hole and don’t stop right away, that might be considered rape in Sweden.

The greater good means all rape allegations must be treated equally and with utmost seriousness, otherwise you don’t just sound like a rape apologist, you are the living embodiment of rape culture and it doesn’t matter if you are part of the political left and political right.

The way that the conservative right has treated Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly’s sexual harassment allegations against Fox News CEO Roger Ailes is just as unclassy but has ended much swifter and tidier.

CEO of Fox News Roger Ailes was initially accused of sexual harassment by Gretchen Carlson. The rape culture apologists alleged it was retribution for Carlson not getting her contract renewed. Like so many scandals before, at first nobody believes the accuser then another accusation comes, and in this case it was the feminist face of Fox News Megyn Kelly, who reported Roger Ailes made unwanted sexual advances on her 10 years before.

The man with the immigrant supermodel [Editor’s Note: who was never a mail order bride or an escort so don’t even risk getting sued because she obviously has a great legal team] but who looks young enough to be Ivanka’s older sister, young enough to put Donald Trump into almost Hugh Hefner territory because that’s what feminists do, they marry rich older men. Donald Trump hinted every woman who made complaints about Roger Ailes amounts to just one big witch hunt, “It’s sad — because he is a very good person” presumably because women who are subjected to sexual harassment are potential liars in Trumpworld because he said this about Ailes accusers, “I can tell you that some of the women that are complaining, I know how much he’s helped them, and even recently. And when they write books that are fairly recently released, and they say wonderful things about him. And now, all of a sudden, they’re saying these horrible things about him.” Rupert Murdoch made Roger Ailes step down. Megyn Kelly responded by wearing a revealing spaghetti strap blouse and a grin at the Republican National Convention. That was the end of it. [Editor’s Note: Actually that’s not the end of it. Donald Trump has actually hired Roger Ailes to help run his campaign. Really classy Donald! Really classy!!]

Now on to the left.

Cult of personality Julian Assange has done a great job of championing government transparency. If it wasn’t for the Assanges, the Snowdens, the Mannings, we wouldn’t have as much transparency today. Snowden has managed to find asylum in Russia and Assange has chosen to be a fugitive in the Ecuadorian embassy in the UK. The difference between Snowden and Assange is Assange has turned out to be much more of a political windbag by alleging grandiose conspiracies about feminist hero #1 Hillary Clinton. Oftentimes the heroes of today become the villains of tomorrow. For Assange, he obviously has a problem with women.

Just because Assange runs a whistleblower, hacker friendly, government transparency website Wikileaks, does not mean he should be put on some sort of pedestal above any other guy being accused of sexual deviance. Even smarmy mofos like Michael Moore can’t put Assange above equal scrutiny; anybody who calls sexual assault allegations “a bunch of hooey” like Moore did is a sexist. We expect those on the political right to say that instead and not the Michael Moore’s of the world.

Around the same time, a Julian Assange supporter, Oliver Stone, made the claim Assange represents human rights, but perhaps he forgot about Anna Ardin’s and Sofia Wilen’s human rights and due processes too? It was courageous of Ardin and Wilen to be the whistleblowers on Julian Assange’s alleged condom faux pas.

Assange is on par with a whistleblower-loving reporter, who has become nothing more than just hotheaded political punditry, Glenn Greenwald, who earned a spot on the top 10 worst gays list. Greenwald really needs friends these days after he said, “Obama could rape a nun live on NBC and you’d say we weren’t seeing what we were seeing.”

…and I thought Dan Savage exhibited mouthy-assed primly farted angst!

Should we be worshipping Julian Assange and Glenn Greenwald with reverence on par with Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden? Snowden and Manning did the dangerous work but Assange and Greenwald received much of the glory.

Julian Assange has become cool. So much that Rolling Stone Italy named him Rock Star Of The Year. Lady Gaga, to make her subversive feminist extravaganza complete, posed with Julian Assange, making her association with jail bait loving R. Kelly and alleged Mr. Gropey Hands Terry Richardson complete. Folks, this is not The Enquire, I can’t make this stuff up.

Terry Richardson’s career continues unabated in the fashion and photography worlds but if the police did pursue him for something more than sexual harassment and he ran, much like Roman Polanski did, much like Julian Assange is doing, his career might tumble, maybe not.

Then there comes the queen of publicity stunts of the fashion world, Vivienne Westwood, whom I understand darling, you’re keeping your line relevant. I still buy Vivienne Westwood. I own her Picnic T-shirt with the gigantic cocks of two British knights almost touching each other. Even though I like most of Westwood’s messages, I don’t like all of her messages. Yes, in democracies, it’s guilty until proven innocent, but why isn’t the innocent then clearing his name?

Assange is scared of the big bad wolf, and the treatment of Chelsea Manning is atrocious, to the extent that she tried committing suicide in prison, but Julian Assange doesn’t want to be a martyr for free speech. He’s not brave enough.

Dear USA,

You forget about The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 when convenient. Just look at Chelsea Manning.

Love Theo

P.S. I know you won’t remember that law because the science fiction book 1984 was actually mistaken as a how-to manual by one of your big guys.

If Assange really wanted to put Wikileaks to the test, then he should face the music. What is he hiding? Is he a secret agent for the Russians? HE IS HIDING SOMETHING. Meanwhile Noam Chomsky has chosen to uphold Assange to a different standard too by remaining silent about Ardin’s and Wilen’s accusations, which he wouldn’t dare mention anyway because Chomsky is focusing on the common good of government transparency, that’s being illegally obtained by Russian spies. Have you noticed the most scandalous things being released by Wikileaks is about America and not about Russia?

Sofia Wilen and Anna Ardin have been called hoaxers, liars and CIA agents by the political left and enemies of the USA. It’s happened in the liberal arena before; Monica Lewinsky was called every name in the book. When somebody in our own tribe says something we vehemently dislike, we demonize.

Even the American pornography industry has acted with more of a feminist response than the political left. James Deen was accused by rape by his ex-girlfriend Stoya and others, and the pornography industry reacted swiftly and distanced themselves from the alleged perpetrator. The biggest rape apologist of that camp was silly Brett Easton Ellis who is bros with James Deen.

As noted, a person is innocent until proven guilty, but when it comes to rape, the circumstantial aspect of the crime lends to give sympathetic credence to the accusers. In the cases above, the vast majority of the rape apologists are men, from Donald Trump to Brett Easton Ellis, white males so ravenously bitchy that one wonders why the word bitch was applied to women in the first place. Sexism is so culturally conditioned that the political left and the political right expose the ideology consciously and subconsciously.

“She’s a war hawk with bad judgement who gets an unseemly emotional rush out of killing people,” Julian Assange has said about Hillary Clinton. Well, of course he would say that, he is no feminist hero despite being visited by female celebrities. If Assange and Wikileaks hackers really wanted to defend justice, they would have already leaked thousands of documents proving his innocence. Three of the charges against Assange have expired, but the violent rape charge remains until 2020. Until then, Mr. Assange is safely contained, so the drooling monster can’t violate any more women, if the allegations are true, but he could be a hapless ladies man framed by two Swedish seductresses, but we will never know because he will remain in hiding.



Theo The Politico

The Proctologist of US Politics by Dr. Theodore Cecil DeCelles