One Nanodegree, Udacity Propel, and four job offers — Tushar Mudgal

Udacity India
2 min readOct 27, 2017


Full Stack development is an interesting career. Without us, the internet would be nothing but 404 error. We are the jack of all trades. :) It combines both Front-end and Back-end development skills beautifully together.

Programming has always been a passion to me. The idea of creating ideas into interactive websites has always attracted me.I started programming as fun to make simple web pages; almost everyone does that. From, there on, it began to make me realize the how, what, why, when thoughts that urged me to think in a way a computer analyzes. After giving some time to where do I get started, I was able to knock out the best of the available, i.e., Udacity. It not only made me start from scratch but also made me answer how, why, what, etc. of programming.

Udacity’s Full Stack Nanodegree is not only helpful for the beginners, but also for the professionals who want to be updated with new technologies. It starts with the basics, and gradually the difficulty level increases to make you well-versed with Full-Stack skills. The best part about Udacity is the projects you work upon during your Nanodegree. It helps get not only hands-on experience but also a strong testament to your skills during job interviews.

The community and mentors are very helpful whenever you are stuck at a project or struggling with any problem statement. Unlike other platforms, Udacity has an amazing community of fellow learners who are always ready to help you out and share learnings. Here are some of the projects I built in my Nanodegree:

During my Nanodegree itself, I got selected for an internship at Limetray. Luckily, got a chance to attend Udacity Propel and got four job offers. Although all these job profiles required experienced professionals, Udacity Nanodegree and projects helped a lot in highlighting the skills. Currently, I am working on my own start-up called KoinOK — Cryptocurrency Exchange.

If you are looking for a career in Full Stack development, Udacity’s Full Stack Nanodegree would be a great start.



Udacity India

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