How to Overcome Fear? 12 Needs

Ufuk Altan
2 min readAug 18, 2017


The Concept

One thing that hold people back is fear, mostly called as the greatest demon of our minds. But fear was the angel of the mind during the stone age. It was the protector of the mankind. Accelerating the speed of the heart in order run away from dangerous animals(Bear, Tiger, etc.) or capturing the ones which serve as a food source(Pig, deer, etc.). Fear might be the reason of humankind’s survival. However today, it is the main reason that prevents people to reach their full potential.

Why do we have it?

Since there is no bears or snakes left on the cities moving freely, why do we still afraid to stand out? The brain is the most magnificent and complex organ in the body. But it is as magnificent as it is primitive. The brain can not distinguish fears such as a bear and public speaking or your crush and lack of food resources. They are all the same because fear, stress, anxiety, nervousness and even excitement are the same state of mind and the brain’s priority is allegedly protecting the human life from any kind of danger that might come across.

What are we Afraid of?

You might have heard that you should accept the worst case scenarios to overcome your fears. But what is actually deep inside of these worst case scenarios. Why do we afraid of public speaking when the worst case scenario is a sense of shame or being disgraced. Because of our limiting NEEDS. In actuality, we fear from our needs to be not provided.


1) Physiological Needs

2) Safety

3) Health

4) Certainty

5) Future Safety

6) Life Enjoyment

7) Love&Belonging

8) Respect&Appreciation

9) Personality

10) Freedom

11) Mission

12) Spiritual

These statement could be presented with different words or phrases but in fact, they all reflect the same meaning. These are the statements I have found in my research on different articles. In reality, they are all provided their roots from the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

To overcome fear, we need to understand our needs and realize that there is no actual reason for our needs’ provision to be impeded. Once we understand and believe there is no threat for ourselves, fear will evaporate like hot water.

To see an example of how these statements cause fear, visit my paradict account:

