Back to the Future — first $olo INDIA

7 min readNov 29, 2017


Everyone who come back from India have just one answer to that question — why India? — It’s no logic answer, just you have that feeling that you need to go, India inviting you, simply you had to go.

I remember it when I receive tickets to India, it was a bit scary not even a bit a lot! Like what a hell is going on.. why am going soo far away alone, without any one.. it was one moment when I was thinking just quit and don’t go but what you can do whit your own destiny , every body got their reason everybody got their way.. Soo I register on Couschurfing to find people who help me out in place where am going to, and guess what? — I receive more then couple hundreds invitations to stay in strangers house.. My trust about a place was equal zero. But if you not take a risk you can’t drink champagne isn’t it? Soo I was start chat whit one guy he’s name Dany, middle class Indian guy, super nice and helpful we chat around one month till I get trust him.
And any way why I trusted that guy? – hes have one friend lady who living alone, and ask her to let me stay in her house, it was kind of weird but yeah why not?

Night when I arrive.
When I was teenager we used to play one computer game whit my friends^Counter-strike^. My first expression of India was exactly the same like that game. But Don’t get me wrong India is huge, and all tourist usually going to Goa, Mumbai or Delhi is places for tourist. And I was going to city Hyderabad, whit zero tourists. If i’ll get that life time opportunity to go back again to India.. ouu Bro.. Then I just take a motorbike and cross all of it.. there is a not a holiday destination.. place where you can find your self in many diffrent ways.

But about everything from beginning.

It’s really hard to give that feeling what I have in India in my first couple days.. many travelers always enjoys them trips and always gives that picture of travel to India how amazing and wonderful it’ is..

But is not everything like that if you never been in Asia or Africa or really poor country’s it’s hard to imagine that horrible smell in the streets people sleeping everywhere, people without proper close and kids everywhere asking you for money..

Soo my first couple days was super hardly weird.. I feel many feelings – I was really scared, shocked, angry.. I was counting hours when is my flight from that place. My first couple days terrifying of everything around.

Ahhh but yeah after that couple horrible days I get more comfortable whit place where I am and people around me. My friend Dany that Indian guy from CS comes every morning round 7am wakes me up and take me around all Hyderabad.. some mornings I was soo tired and just wanna laying down to my bed, but Dany says “ohh come one you will rest when you die” soo we travel every day by hes motorbike 6–9 hours a day.. it was challenge for white girl in town! Many selfies whit locals, once we just walk in park and huge family ask me to get a picture whit all of them , I was like yeah sure!! and after they ask or they can get picture one by one whit all of them … it was hilarious. In the end I get a pictures whit all people who was that time in park.. such a celebrity.. haha..

What you can see in city where is no tourism? – first of all city looks a huge play ground for us travelers everything is super authentic, many temples where you can go inside just then when you leave all photo cameras, phones and for sure shoes outside.. then you can visit the oldest temples.. and no joke but that temples made from real gold and white marble. Also it’s plenty museum whit dinosaurs bones and crazy thing is that you can touch everything you want it’s no safety glass.. crazy isn’t it? – Parks whit monkeys , lakes full of snakes.. and people still going there for swimming and get refreshed from hotness. On every corner you can find markets whit fresh vegetables or fruits.

Markets in Hyderabad

From poor to rich

Ass we all know our world is full of corruption, India is not an exemption, people can be super poor or super rich nothing in between.. What I was seeing in my first days it was poor poor people round me.. everywhere was poverty. My vision of India was just like that.. poor people just trying to survive the day..

But India is not going to be India if not going to surprise every moment, in a middle of my journey , we whit my companion Dany go to another side of city.. Rich side.. and ohh my good.. things what I seen I was can’t believe.. everything was looking not realistic. Shoping centers like in Europe and ever bigger ones and more fancy ones.. streets clean huge skyscrapers everywhere.. I was thinking what a hell?? how is possible?! But yeah this is India. You never know what is waiting you just round the corner. Most incredible thing what I was seen in that rich side of town was Diamond house.. yes yes you read wright.. it’s was house but look like a massive diamond.. whit security around the place.. I was just shocked again and again and again all may trip in India.

Diamond house in Hyderabad — India

Every evening when Dany brings me home.. my and lady who was that place owner her name was Sloga we was talking till midnight every single night.. She was wondering how women's live in Europe, how dress and all that things.. I seen that be a woman in India is hard challenge.. usually they just staying at home and making sure every day that their husbands have clean clothes and always food is ready. It’s hard to be women there but she said that little by little things are changing.. soo hopefully one day it will be equally rights for everyone and everywhere.

Last thing what I wanna share it was most amazing thing what was happen to me there . It was wedding!! yeah yeah it was Indian wedding, my friend Dany told me that hes friend getting married soo we need go to that wedding together.. guess what.. we go together for all day shopping for wedding dress and shoes and all that stuff.. finally when we find all clothes for me.. we back home and Sloga make my hair Indian style I get dressed and was waiting for Dany.. but first wedding gift.. I was thinking what we suppose to bring for wedding couple.. and it was really big headache for me.. but my friend Dany who always smiling just says don’t worry Uggii!! we will find something special! So we go just to the simple shop like Pound-land in United kingdom where you can’t find whatever you want.. Dany find photo frame.. I was thinking if i’ll go too wedding in my home town whit photo frame it would be super hilarious.. but Dany says is the best gift for wedding couple because they will have many pictures from ceremony soo they can put all pictures there .. What can I said- okay! Best present ever.

Wedding was in two part European one whit white dress and Indian one whit Sari dress. All ceremony was in English language soo was easy to understand everything what is going on.. in all celebration was maybe more than 600 people.. thing is that you don’t need invitation .. that crazy isn’t it? – but I didn’t expect that it will be that fancy.. it’s really hard to explain and give all that expression but it was something what tourist in India not get every time..

And yeah – India changed me, no one back from India the same.. we all get different experiences, different lessons. I believe that people who already been in India all of them have incredible stories. I just know one thing when you get that feeling that India inviting you, don’t ignore it.

