3 Brutal Long-Distance Realities You Need to Accept

Natalya Belous
3 min readApr 29, 2022

I have a friend who met someone on a dating app. They instantly clicked. Their attitude and values fit perfectly. They were in love. Unfortunately, they live 800 miles away from each other. Despite the distance, they continued their relationship.

But like all other relationships, whether long-distance or not, problems occur. I don’t know what exactly happened to them. All I know is they stopped talking to each other. They drifted apart. Eventually, they ended their relationship.

That’s the reality of long-distance relationships. It’s not for the weak.

A lot of blogs will tell you its advantages. That it’s easy to sustain them with the technology that we have these days. That there are millions of couples who end up marrying their long-distance partner.

However, there’s more to the story.

Long-distance relationships are not all sunshine and rainbows. Here are hard facts you should know:

1. Distance is your main enemy.

Imagine your future partner having difficulty with her personal life. You cannot book a last-minute flight to her country. There’s no way you can physically comfort her. The only thing you can do is console her through your phone screen.

Do you think you can have a relationship like this? Because here is the reality. Distance is your main adversary.

If your love language is physical intimacy, then this kind of relationship is not for you. There’s a possibility that you may only meet your partner once a month or a year, or not at all.

Accept this reality before getting into this kind of relationship. Or else, you and your partner will suffer.

2. Communication skills are crucial.

Miscommunication is a huge problem for most couples.

In fact, according to a study by KIIROO, it was revealed that 40% of couples have problems with communication. This percentage is pretty alarming.

It makes you think. If normal couples have trouble communicating effectively, what about long-distance couples? Sure, we have the internet now. You can video call, text, and chat with each other, but talking is different if you do it face-to-face. You can talk with your body language, your gestures, or actions. You can’t do that if you’re thousands of miles away from each other.

3. Trust is a must.

If you have trust issues, maintaining a long-distance relationship will be difficult. You’ll constantly imagine your partner cheating on you with another guy. And you can’t do anything about it, because you’re far away.

Trusting your partner is necessary for long-distance relationships. If you think that you’ll only be questioning everything she does in the future, then you need to reassess your behavior.

It’s not her problem that you have trust issues. It’s yours.

So, before you proceed, heal yourself first. This is necessary if you want a healthy relationship.

What Now?

Not all long-distance relationships are doomed to fail.

According to a study by KIIROO, these kinds of relationships have a success rate of 58 percent, which is not bad. However, as mentioned above, there are harsh realities that you need to accept.

If you think you’re brave enough to accept the challenge of a long-distance relationship, go for it. Who knows? It might be worth it.

