Waking The Media

Una Mullally
2 min readNov 21, 2017


Waking The Media
A conversation about women’s experiences in the Irish media industry
Project Arts Centre, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Wednesday November 29th, 7pm-9pm, free.

Calling all journalists, presenters, researchers, producers, editors, podcasters, and all media professionals.

Let’s talk.

Right now, we’re witnessing a transformative moment regarding women’s negative experiences in the workplace, particularly in the areas of film, television, theatre, and elsewhere. Assault, harassment, abuse, bullying, and generally unacceptable behaviour towards women is being called out, as well as the structural misogyny and sexism in industries that inevitably make people’s working lives more difficult than they should be.

These stories are being distilled, told by, and reported on by the news media industry across online outlets, newspapers, television and radio. But what are the experiences of women in those industries like?

Waking The Media is an open forum for women who work in the media industry to talk about their experiences, and to begin to discuss ideas and strategies for improving the working lives and representation of women in our industry.

We know that professional environments that are difficult for women to navigate, can also be difficult for everyone. How can we improve environments for everyone?

Do you have an experience or point of view to share on this topic? Do you have ideas for how we can make the working lives of women better in the industry? Maybe you think we need a representative body, gender policies in organisations, improved hiring practices, or mentorship programmes?

One thing I think we need, is to start the conversation about women’s experiences in the media, particularly around issues that are specifically gender-related, from pay gaps to the lack of women in senior roles.

On the night, we’ll hear from women who have spearheaded changes in their industries such as Lian Bell, who kickstarted the #WakingTheFeminists movement. We’ll also talk about our own experiences and ideas, and most importantly, listen to others.

This event is open to those who work in any facet of the media. All are welcome. Also: free wine! (I haven’t sorted that out yet, so an additional call out to anyone who wants to give us free wine.)

If you’re interested in attending, please register by emailing wakingthemedia@gmail.com

Places are limited, so please register in advance!

Una Mullally


This is part of a broader media equality initiative examining, and hoping to find solutions for, issues of equality and representation across Irish media, including the intersectional aspects of gender, class, race, ethnicity, disability and illness, etc. This initial conversation will focus on the representation of and challenges faced by women in the Irish media, as well as the ideas and solutions proposed by women for the industry.

PS: This event will be recorded. On the night, we will decide what parameters people are comfortable with regarding sharing on/off the record. If there’s something you’d like to add to the conversation, but don’t feel comfortable for any reason with that potentially being in the public domain, feel free to email wakingthemedia@gmail.com with your thoughts.

