Uncloak™.io: A perfect combination of Blockchain and Cybersecurity

6 min readApr 17, 2018

Blockchain is a digital public ledger of cryptocurrency based transactions. It is a decentralised technology, meaning that the authority of the system is distributed among several bodies and not restricted to governance by an authoritative group such as the national government. Today, this digitised ledger drives diverse cryptocurrency-based functions, from health, to cybersecurity, social media networking, music, insurance etc.

How does Blockchain work?

Blockchain is referred to as a distributed ledger system (DLT) that appears in a variety of commercial applications today. The complex software is composed of ‘blocks’, which are chronologically ordered bits of storage for the most recent transactions. Participants only have to connect their applications to the system. Each computer connected to the network is called a node, and they each get a copy of the Blockchain, which is downloaded automatically.

Today, Blockchain has evolved to present a plethora of functions, the chief being transaction verification. Digital currencies can digitise, code and insert practically any record or document into the blockchain. The records are unchangeable and their authenticity is verified by the entire Blockchain community and not a singular centralised authority.

Why Blockchain?

Investing in Blockchain’s distributed ledger is highly profitable because it is a more digitalised, fast and user-friendly way to store, maintain and perform a variety of services. Blockchain is one of the most cost-reducing technologies to ever be created because an electronic ledger is less expensive to maintain than a traditional bookkeeping system. Also, this automated system gives no room for normal human error. The high processing speed makes for a smaller amount of capital to be held against the risk of pending transaction.

What is cybersecurity?

The same way individuals and tangible properties have their own unique risks of being attacked, the soft data of companies and organisations can easily be infiltrated if the necessary security measures are not put in place. Organisations confront numerous dangers to their data frameworks and information on a daily basis. Cybersecurity is a practice of securing the integrity, confidentiality and availability (ICA) of digital information. Termed as computer security in some cases, it is a defense of computer systems against hardware or software failure and misuse such as hard-drive accidents, data theft or infiltration, power outages, network access by invaders, code injection and so on. The success of any company greatly depends on how well the company secures its information, both online and offline.

How does cybersecurity work?

Technically, cybersecurity can come in many forms. The major forms of cyber security can be presented as application security, disaster recovery, information security and network security. Application security protects applications from threats during their development life-cycle. Some standard techniques used are input parameter validation, session management, user/role authentication and authorisation, parameter manipulation, auditing and logging.

Information security consists of measures or countermeasures that protects information from unauthorised access to protect privacy and to avoid identity theft. Disaster recovery entails performance of risk assessment, developing recovery strategies and establishing priorities in case of a disaster.

Network security protects the reliability, integrity, usability and safety of a network. Components of network security include antivirus, firewalls, anti-spyware, Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).

Why cybersecurity?

Cyber attacks can disrupt and cause monetary and reputational damage to even the most formidable organisation. Suffering a cyber attack opens up other organisational problems. For example, you may lose assets, good reputation and clientage. In extreme cases, there is a risk of facing regulatory fines, litigation and the costs of remediation.

Effective digital security measures have to be put in place to lessen the danger of cyber attacks, and to shield associations and individuals from the unapproved exploitation of organisational frameworks, systems and technologies.

The Gap

Although there are current cybersecurity solutions that efficiently wipe cyber threats away, there is an obvious need security solutions that are more innovative and dedicated to consistent threat detection and identification. Many of the most advanced cyber threat weapons belong to governmental organisations and are seldom accessible on a commercial level. Obviously cyber crime susceptibility is not limited to just the government. Therefore, this gap has to be filled with a multifunctional technology that seeks out new cyber threats, has no governmental interference (decentralised), can be operated with no currency restrictions and is preferably fast and user-friendly. The missing piece of this puzzle is thus, the Blockchain

What is Uncloak™?

Uncloak™ is cyber threat detection and cyber security vulnerability scanning system based project that combines the two concepts of Blockchain and cybersecurity to create a platform that is decentralised, secured and grants cybersecurity management solutions to a widely distributed community. The system is designed to put individual businesses one step ahead of hackers and data thieves. It is the world’s first blockchain-powered cyber threat solution.

The company identifies and seeks to eradicate the global problem of computer hacking and cyber crimes while giving individuals access to first-rate cyber security with no interference from a third party or the government. Uncloak™. is an analytical tool that runs on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for automated and efficient performance of data security checks.

How it works

It is powered by EOS, a new and innovative third generation blockchain technology that will allow expert IT security specialists worldwide to team up in settling digital threat vulnerabilities and be rewarded through a completely robotised system. The main features are an advanced AI to check public or hidden internet data for “Zero Hour” cyber threats, and next generation vulnerability cybersecurity scanning.

Uncloak™ has a unique cyber threat detection database which uses artificial intelligence to scan the internet for latest cyber security threats. These threats are transformed into “security signatures” and go through the Uncloak™ threat detection system to check if the vulnerabilities exist across the participants’ network. If they do, the end-user is immediately notified so that corrective action can be taken.

With UCC token, a smart contract will be used to create a voting rights system that allows ‘hunters’ (a community of Uncloak™ registered IT security experts/ software developers) to collaborate on finding cyber threats within applications and network devices, whilst also finding the remediation needed to resolve the cyber threat issues.


Uncloak™ composes of two tokens namely: UCC and UNC. The UNC is externally tradeable for fiat currency and is the equivalent of $0.01 USD.

The UCC is used internally on platform as an incentive for rewarding hunters and validators for finding cyber threats.

The token Pre-Sale is set to hold from May 25th to June 25th. Participants will enjoy a pre-sale bonus of up to up to 30% and a main ICO bonus of 10%.

Key benefits

o In the absence of innovative tools, efficient cybersecurity will require highly skilled and specialised labor, long setup time and high costs. With Uncloak™, cybersecurity will be more readily available at a lower cost.

o End user interaction is simplified as users can avoid cyber jargon and understand, remediate and resolve cyber security issues.

o Subscribers to the platform will continuously receive the latest list of cyber threat vulnerabilities, giving them a heads-up and making way for identification of where potential threats lie and guiding them on the necessary remediation steps to take.

Unique features of integrating A.I and a Bug Bounty

Uncloak™ has a unique combination of an advanced AI Threat Detection Engine and a Blockchain-powered bug bounty. Using smart contracts and the AI detection engine, Uncloak™ gives its users the opportunity to work together in finding hackers and other cyber threats in the internet community.

Each hunter can check the vulnerability of other hunters which when validated by at least four ethical hackers, can be recorded to the Blockchain as a real cyber threat.


Uncloak™ will solve the pressing global problem of cyber crime, identity theft, data hacking and software vulnerability. The efficient scanning and remediation system will ensure that businesses stay aware and up-to-date of data security issues surrounding them. It is indeed a perfect combination of the Blockchain and cybersecurity innovations.


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