Donna Benenson
1 min readDec 6, 2016


“…so long as our Constitution vests in these citizens this extraordinary power, we believe they should be supported as they seek in good faith to exercise it. The Electors Trust will support them in that.” — Lawrence Lessig

Thank you, Lawrence Lessig! Millions have now seen in North Dakota what taking a courageous moral stand to protect public welfare can accomplish.

And our electors have it far far easier: those at Standing Rock had no constitutional mandate behind them — nor any respect for their civil rights, or protection from bodily harm. But they had no choice — because when it comes to morality, there is no choice. And this gave them power, and gives us all power those times conscience makes it clear. What more do the electors need to see?



Donna Benenson

Mom, writer & pet therapy volunteer with my shelter dog Virgil Caine (rescued in Dixie…he was “hungry, and barely alive,” but no Confederate) Wellesley PBK ‘74