UniX Gaming’s Partnership with Guide: on a Mission to Empower People Through Education and Gaming

unix gaming
3 min readNov 26, 2021


At UniX Gaming, we’re all about fun and games. But we’re much more than just that. We enable thousands of our scholars in the developing world to multiply their salaries, sometimes enabling them to make up to five times more than the average monthly income of their home country. But we’re much more than just that, too. UniX Gaming will enable thousands of people across the world to access free education in courses ranging as vast as English and financial literacy, no matter where they are. At the core of UniX Gaming’s mission is a deep desire to harness the intersection of gaming, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology to provide multifaceted opportunities to people in the developing world to change their lives.

UniX Gaming will not only be a play-to-earn platform, but it will also be introducing a learn-to-earn platform. UniX believes that education is key to people harnessing employment opportunities in their home countries or abroad. UniX Gaming signed a full venture partnership with Guide, which creates innovative products and software that support lifelong learning, in any industry and at any age. Guide shares UniX Gaming’s values, believing that quality education should be accessible to everyone and at all age groups. Guide has created a range of products that have enhanced the educational experience online for people globally. UniX was motivated to secure a strategic partnership with Guide because we know that they’ll help accelerate our aim of providing education to people in the developing world. UniX and Guide share a mission to spread and improve quality education.

Guide will help UniX Gaming provide fully accredited English, math and science courses to its community and UniX will be benefiting Guide by providing crypto education and individual play-to-earn games. UniX Gaming will be providing courses like IELTs, allowing people to improve their English skills and apply to educational institutions or for employment opportunities abroad. These courses will enable people to create economic opportunity through play-to-earn and crypto while earning an accredited education. Once UniX Gaming’s play-to-learn system is launched, people will have the opportunity to purchase courses and access higher levels of education through UniX Gaming’s own token, $UNIX. UniX is aiming to make some serious impact not just in the gaming arena, but in peoples’ lives in the developing world.

Guide is the Netflix of education. The range of software that it has developed makes it obvious how this strategic partnership will allow UniX to expand its mission and help people all over the world. Guide’s software includes a unique bespoke teacher development portal that any school can create, allowing educators globally to share their own resources and any other expert knowledge from the web. Guide has created a teacher development software, designed for educational staff. The product includes more than 3,000 videos covering everything from the first day of school to preparing for more senior roles and allows for intricate feedback and fully developed evidence collection. Another software Guide has created include Exam Marker, which is an exam marking support service that allows students and teachers to perfect exam responses and prepare for exams in a research-supported way. These aren’t Guide’s only products, but you get the idea: Guide’s expertise and software and UniX Gaming’s mission form a symbiotic relationship.

UniX Gaming’s partnership with Guide is one of many more that will be announced over the coming months. Stay tuned, as we revolutionize the gaming and education space.

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unix gaming

Web3 gaming is changing from play-to-earn to play-to-own, and unix gaming aims to lead the charge — so don’t get left behind.