Unibright answers — Exchanges (Unibright and QRYPTOS: a perfect match)

Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2018

Exchanges and listings are a topic often and deeply discussed, not only in the Unibright community. There are different reasons and motivations why people want tokens to be listed on specific exchanges.

We already gave insights on the legal situation our strategy on approaching Exchanges — today we want to give you an update and some details why we decided to list on QRYPTOS as our first exchange.

UBT will be listed on QRYPTOS

For us at Unibright, exchanges are a vital part in our global strategy

Exchanges are needed for our enterprise customers to purchase the Unibright Token (UBT) — the utility token needed to use our framework.

Apart from this, an exchange is also a good place to promote the project behind a token and open it to new audiences. In our case “the project” is our unified framework, which is bringing blockchain technology and smart contracts to enterprise usage.

Additionally, the technology behind an exchange should be secure and future proof. If an exchange is running a dedicated blockchain protocol, the best case for projects like us would be to even use this technology in our framework!

From a business perspective, all these features are required for an exchange for us to be attractive — but this is not sufficient!

There is the legal perspective becoming ever more important. What does that mean?

It is all about regulations and being approved by governments and regulators for an exchange to be a long-term player in growing a blockchain based business. It is of no help partnering up with an up-rising exchange whos business model is working for the moment but might be forced to shutdown by regulators in the future.

We decided for a very thorough test on possible exchanges based on this strategic thoughts and criteria. We set up a matrix and evaluated which exchanges are the best match for now — given the status of our project, customers, partners and the blockchain market in total. Only a few exchanges fulfilled our ideas of being the right partner.

Our first exchange — QRYPTOS

We are happy to announce that we found the perfect first match for Unibright — it is QRYPTOS! Why?

  • Based and operated out of Singapore, QRYPTOS is an exchange that has been licensed by the Financial Services Agency in Japan and therefore follows their strict rules and regulations.
  • QRYPTOS is also compliant with both KYC and AML standards which shows that not only do they want to do things the right and honest way but they also want to protect their traders as much as possible.
  • QRYPTOS is a product of QUOINE — a leading fintech company that provides trading, exchange, and next generation financial services powered by blockchain technology.
  • QUOINE also offers QUOINEX, a fiat-to-crypto exchange platform that allows users to buy bitcoin and other major digital currencies with fiat money. It is one of the largest Crypto-Fiat exchanges in the world with over USD 12B annual transactions, and fully regulated in Japan.
  • In the very future QRYPTOS and QUOINEX will be merged into one platform — LIQUID, a single globally-sourced trading platform (World Book) with an associated suite of services (Prime Brokerage) that brings together the entire global network of cryptocurrency exchanges to
    enable the highest level of liquidity to all markets.
  • LIQUID will use QUOINE’s own blockchain, LIQUID DLT — a blockchain implementation we see big potential in, especially for enterprises in the fin tech sector. It is also a potential code generation target for Unibright!

We see great potential by listing an QRYPTOS and then moving on to LIQUID with its game-changing opportunities. LIQUID in our opinion might soon become the most advanced exchange and the most liquid one — which is a feature that can not be overestimated.


UBT will be listed on QRYPTOS on the August 14th, 3pm CEST (15:00 German Time).

As a indication about how excited QUOINE/QRYPTOS are about UBT being listed with them, they throw in free QASH tokens worth 10 USD for new accounts!
For the first one hundred new QRYPTOS accounts that are KYC-approved, QASH tokens worth 10 USD will be airdropped to that accounts in September. This holds true for accounts that are created before September, 14th, 2018 using the following referral link:

Next steps

As stated before, we will not look for only one exchange, but rather build up an exchange ecosystem around UBT. We will add more exchanges to that ecosystem (different regions, different markets, different features) in the next months, but all exchanges we actively approach will have to keep up the high level we expect from QRYPTOS.

Unibright offers a unified framework bringing blockchain technology and smart contracts to mainstream usage. With its “no-coding-needed” approach, smart contracts get generated, deployed and updated automatically based on visual definitions. Unibright is a German company, already partnered up with Microsoft, NEM and others and is working with top-level companies like Lufthansa on bringing blockchain technology to enterprise usage.

The utility token needed to use the Unibright framework is being listed on QRYPTOS starting 14th of August 2018.

