Unibright System Components

2 min readOct 6, 2017

The Unibright system components support all phases of a business integration process. Here we will present the tools we created to empower the framework for blockchain based business integration.

1. Define time —Unibright Business Workflow Designer

Business Workflows are designed visually in the private Domain with the Unibright Business Workflow Designer.

2. Runtime —Unibright Contract Lifecycle Manager

The generated code is deployed, maintained and updated as smart contracts into a specific blockchain by the Unibright Contract Life-Cycle Manager.

3. Runtime —Unibright Explorer

Existing smart contracts are monitored by the Unibright Explorer. Transactions and information flow is visualized.

4. Unibright Connector

Existing IT landscapes as well as other blockchains are integrated into the business process by the Unibright Connector.

