How we helped Bowery Valuation automate their business and become valued at more than $6.8 million

5 min readMar 14, 2018


The beginning

I remember it like it was yesterday (even though it was only 2 years or so ago). John Meadows and Noah Isaacs, the Founders of Bowery Valuation invited Cesar Devers and I to a meeting to discuss building an MVP for Bowery Valuation. Seeing the excitement among them, I was completely confident I would close this sale.

This is not me being cocky, but there are times during sales you have this vibe when you know it’s going to go your way. I knew instantly that we would provide the value they were looking for in a Software Agency

We quickly got started on the project with Cesar Devers (a co-founder of Unicorn at the time and now CTO of Bowery Valuation) leading the project. Cesar’s experience in the Startup world started before he even graduated from Princeton studying Economics. I had the pleasure of working with him on a handful of ventures including an idea for education improvement we pitched to the K12 Accelerator in San Francisco. Soon after came Unicorn.

Let’s talk a little bit about the problem that we helped solve for John and Noah…..

Houston we have a problem!

There are some industries that are just slow at getting with the times. Real Estate is and has always been one of those industries. The old adage of “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” rings it’s bell every day.

John and Noah’s vision was to create automated Real Estate Comparables. It would enable the customer to estimate the price of their property based on others of similar square footage, age, or location.

On the technical side, the lack of standards in publishing property information would prove to be its own challenge. The industry as a whole is broken up into multiple IDX solutions, each serving only a fraction of geographical region. Very few of these data providers employ modern technology to access this data. One early example of this was discovered in New York. Buildings in New York City have considerable data including history and age that are major factors for both buyers and sellers. Acquiring this data in an accessible way in modern technology was something we would have to address.

Business Automation is important

You may think you need to have the next best idea to create a business or improve your existing business, but one of the best actions you can take is automating existing problems. Addressing inefficiencies within your business by automating tasks that take valuable time can prove to be much more valuable than creating something new. We’ve seen this with multiple companies we’ve worked with.

Another great example of how we automated a business revolves around a marketing company we worked with. We worked with them to automate 75% of their daily workflow by addressing manually printing emails, order processing, and moving data between services. They reported more than a 500% increase in profit, as they now could spend more time doing what makes them money and not wasting time doing tasks a machine could do better than a human.

Bowery’s idea of combining data from multiple sources is nothing new or ground-breaking. They were already doing this by hand, but the value came from speeding up how quickly they were able to provide reports to customers. A task that once took weeks, can now be completed as soon as 3 days. This gave them an edge over their competitors in providing prompt reports. The users were able to gain insight, and immediately buy or sell a property at a faster rate than previously having to wait several weeks for the same report.

So… how did we solve Bowery’s problem?

We began by automating the process of gathering data from various sources. In some cases, we could pull through an API, and others we had to scrape dirty data. We designed the software to collect this data and import into our own database. Afterwards, we would scrub the data to ensure consistency and formatting. The user was then able to manage this data from a tailored Content Management System and generate the final comp.

We built the best solution for John and Noah to start creating their comp reports much faster and allowed them to focus on the business of Bowery Valuation. Being able to focus allowed them to become worth more than $6.8M.


We are incredibly proud of Cesar and his commitment to grow Bowery as their co-founder and CTO. We don’t always part ways with our team to ensure the success of an idea, but we’re not sad about it when we do. This is our legacy. This is our story as much as it is Bowery’s. We are excited to grow together as an integrated and virtual community. This is what it means to be a Unicorn.

OVER $ 6,800,000.00 !!!

We are very proud of what we helped build and are very excited to see what Bowery achieves over the next few years. Fundraising is a very difficult task, as the due diligence process analyzes every angle of a business. Bowery has the key ingredients for a sustainable and profitable company:

  • Solving real problems
  • A large market and industry
  • Innovative ideas
  • Automation of tedious tasks
  • Validation of the idea before execution
  • A cunning and committed team
  • Partners to lean on

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We are an incubator and consultancy specializing in software, tech, automation, AI, and retail businesses.