Majestic Mondays — Feb. 12, 2018 — What our Unicorns are Grateful for

4 min readFeb 12, 2018


Sometimes we live day to day and do not reflect on what we are Grateful for. So a part of our Monday meetings (Which is the only meeting we require. We believe in minimal meetings or none at all) everyone on our team goes around and tells everyone what they are Grateful for in life and within Unicorn.

Below are the responses to: What are you Grateful for in Life and within Unicorn.



Getting back to the grind of life in Miami and be able to hop around locations to figure out where I want to live in Miami


Given the opportunity to continuously improve our clients business, my teams skillset, and my own knowledge.



I’m thankful for my family. It’s so easy to take for granted how impactful it is to have love and support when you grow up with that as a norm. So often, I hear about the struggles of friends and new acquaintances and it helps give me perspective of how blessed I am to have such a strong support group.


This week, I’m extremely grateful that we have enough work to say “no” to a few projects. Tech is often a seasonal industry and in the winter we usually find ourselves having to grab whatever comes our way. This winter, we have had an incredible amount of opportunity thanks to our partners, and have been able to decline working on projects that are high at risk of scope creep or simple do not align with our own goals and expectations. Being afforded the ability to decline work is something we should never take for granted.



I went to a standup comedy show and met a lot of cool people there. On friday we went to a sauna with big company and had a great time. Grateful for all that.


Saturday was an exciting day for me, I started my own iOS Development course in my alma mater university and Unicorns had a huge influence on that. This was an important step for me and the atmosphere of sharing and caring in the company was one of the most valuable reasons to decide start the course for me.



Got into a pretty bad car accident. Really glad no one was injured which is hard to believe while looking at the wreckage.


Get to interact with ridiculously awesome people + learn new things. In the past 3–4 weeks got to explore and try out things (GraphQL, React, that I’d normally do in a couple of months.



I am grateful for the ability to chill with my Mom and binge watching Altered Carbon (plus a few other shows). I am grateful for my struggles and growth from them (particularly in relationships) that lead me to have the maturity and wisdom to help a friend in need. I have an amazing friend who is willing to foster my cat as my life becomes nomadic in a few months and other friends who are helping me look for good homes for my fur babies as a leave the islands.


To have inspiration thrown at me everyday in our chat rooms. A beautiful design here and a great article there.



I’m grateful that my fiance is in my life. Last week I could have been quicker to step back and look at the big picture, rather than focusing on small subsets of an issue I was having


Given the opportunity to continuously improve our clients business, my teams skillset, and my own knowledge.



Amazon — it’s an incredible service, their customer care is unmatched. I once had a porch pirate steal a package from me while no one was home. Contacted customer support — refund, no questions asked. It’s awesome.


Git — when I started with Unicorn I had no idea how to really utilize Git’s capabilities. Having to collaborate on code has brought my level to new heights.



I am grateful for being able to expand my my professional skill set. Also that Valentine candy is 50% off.


For joining a team full of talented, motivated, and all around amazing people. Also, for giving me a chance to show what I’m made of.

What are you Grateful for? Let us know!

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We are an incubator and consultancy specializing in software, tech, automation, AI, and retail businesses.