Responsive emails in Zoho CRM

3 min readJan 24, 2020


Using the HTML email template editor

Responsive 3 column layout

Working with responsive emails is a tricky business. Creating responsive emails in Zoho CRM has an extra layer of difficulty. Using the html template editor you can add your own css media queries, but those queries are very limited. Below are a few tips and suggestions on how to create your own responsive emails, despite Zoho’s limitations.

Zoho HTML editor limitations

First, let’s explain what the limitations are with Zoho’s HTML template editor. You can add media queries, but only specific ones. You can use max-width but if you try to get fancy, for instance, and use webkit-device-pixel-ratio (to target iPhones) then Zoho will strip that part of the media query.

Zoho says they have a solution coming (5 years late): see the following thread but until then we need work arounds.

Increase your max-width mobile query

This seems basic, but the “normal” query for targeting mobile is `@media (max-width: 680px)` (or 480px) however this doesn’t work with mobile devices with higher pixel ratios (like iPhones).

I found I can target iPhones and most mobile devices by using the following media query

`@media (max-width: 960px) {}`
Mobile media query

Create responsiveness without media queries

I followed this excellent tutorial Creating Future Proof Responsive Emails without Media Queries, see link below.

“It’s called the fluid hybrid method, sometimes referred to as the spongy method of email development. The fluid part refers to the fact that we use lots of percentages. The hybrid part is because we also use max-width to restrict some of our elements on larger screens.” — quoted from article above

I need a responsive 3 column layout for my email. Below, I will summarize how to structure your html. The above article will fill in all the gaps and explain what you need for different column layouts.

HTML: Use a table for the outer html structure and divs for the columns.

columns html structure

CSS styles

  • Set a max-width to your outer table, like 800px
  • Calculate the inner columns to be a percentage of that outer width
  • Columns should be display: inline-block, with a max and min width

The outer table style: max-width: 800px; width: 100%;

td.columns: text-align: center; width: 100%; max-width: 100%;

The individual columns (.column): display: inline-block;width: 100%;max-width: 367px;min-width: 200px;text-align: left;vertical-align: top;

The individual column’s max-width can be a percentage or a set pixel width.

If you cannot add media queries in your email template, the above will allow enough responsiveness that your template will look good on mobile.

I hope these brief suggestions can help you create responsive emails in Zoho CRM. If you have any additional tips or tricks, please leave a comment!



Robin Hjelmeir is a magical Unicorn specializing as a front-end developer, whom lives in two worlds fantasy and reality. Find her on twitter @RobinHjelmeir

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