Top 50 Blockchain and Crypto Twitter Accounts to Follow

United Traders
5 min readJul 11, 2018


Twitter is one of the coolest tools to follow crypto world news. Influential leaders, top coins and exchanges — all have a Twitter account. United Traders compiled a list of top 50 accounts worth following to stay up to date.

Thought Leaders

Influential thought leaders in the crypto world are those who can move the market up or down with a single tweet. Most often those are token creators, investors, and blockchain experts.

Here are our top 25 personal accounts:

  1. Vitalik Buterin @VitalikButerin

Head of Ethereum, an utmost authority and a prodigy. Vitalik’s tweets are intriguing and often arguably meant to create controversy.

2. Roger Ver @rogerkver

Creator of Bitcoin Cash, the fourth of the most popular cryptocurrencies. He advocates using his coin instead of Bitcoin and other cryptos claiming that namely Bitcoin Cash is the true one.

3. Ƀrock Pierce @brockpierce

Bitcoin evangelist who has been involved in crypto for a very long time and has made a lot of money along the way. He travels the world promoting bitcoin.

4. Charlie Lee @SatoshiLite

Head of Litecoin, the sixth largest coin by capitalization. His tweets are harsh, but he can sometimes give praise too.

5. John McAfee @officialmcafee

An investor known for his outrageous tweets. Like this one below:

6. Jihan Wu @JihanWu

Co-founder of Bitmain, one of the largest mining companies.

7. Ari Paul @AriDavidPaul

An expert with intimate knowledge of blockchain. He articulates issues, the market, and regulations.

8. Tuur Demeester @TuurDemeester

An expert, scientist, and investor. He retweets crypto-related media posts, makes references to statistics and reads Varlam Shalamov.

9. Jimmy Song @jimmysong

Bitcoin evangelist. He writes motivational tweets, just in case you start questioning decentralization’s bright future.

10. Miko Matsumura @mikojava

A Silicon Valley investor. He worked for Pantera Capital, a large investment fund, and invests in ICOs. A cool Japanese guy who tells everybody that bitcoin is cool.

11. Pavel Durov @durov

Founder of Telegram and creator of the most anticipated ICO in history. An absolute must-follow account. In addition, Durov’s tweets are occasional and to the point.

12. Andreas M. Antonopoulos @aantonop

A bitcoin evangelist and blockchain’s grandpa. He was one of the crypto pioneers; authored the book Mastering Bitcoin, a developer’s guide to bitcoin. He once lost all his investments and the crypto community collected a few million dollars for him in donations, in gratitude for bringing them all to the crypto world at the right time.

13. Peter Todd @peterktodd

A cryptography scientist. His tweets are entertaining; in his investigations he gets to the bottom of the matter.

14. Adam Back @adam3us

A cryptographer and a cypherpunk. His tweets are fun to read; he also retweets important news.

15. Eric Meltzer @wheatpond

A partner at a large fund and an active Twitter user. He invests in ICOs, tweets about regulatory issues, legal aspects, and industry outlook.

16. Vinny Lingham @VinnyLingham

An early crypto activist, advisor to many ICOs and Head of Civic, an ICO project that developed a blockchain-based identification system.

17. Bobby Lee @bobbyclee

Head of BTCC, a large blockchain consortium.

18. Eric Voorhees @ErikVoorhees

Head of crypto exchange Shapeshift.

19. Barry Silbert @barrysilbert


20. Tim Draper @TimDraper

An activist and investor.

21. Brian Armstrong @brian_armstrong

Co-founder of a large US-based exchange Coinbase.

22. Jake Jew Trading @koreanjewcrypto

A trader and investor from South Korea.

23. Suppoman @MichaelSuppo

Investor, Twitter and YouTube blogger. Promotes ICO projects.

24. Ian Balina @DiaryofaMadeMan

Investor and blogger. Promotes ICOs.

25. Anatoly Radchenko @aradchenko1

Trader and co-founder of United Traders. He retweets the most important news from the above accounts. Shares his own expert opinions. Please start updating accounts you follow with @aradchenko1

Large Crypto Exchanges

Twitter accounts of large exchanges share news, updates, regulatory issues and new coins. It is particularly useful to follow exchanges on Twitter to know what new coins to buy — exchanges always announce new listings on Twitter.

Here are the top ten exchanges worth following:

26. Coinbase, @coinbase ‏a US-based exchange

27. Bitfinex, @bitfinex ‏a Hong Kong exchange

28. Kraken, @krakenfx a US-based exchange

29. Bittrex, @BittrexExchange ‏ a US-based exchange

30. Bithumb, @BithumbOfficial a South-Korean exchange

31. Idex, @Aurora_dao a decentralized exchange

32. Binance, @binance

33. Bitmex, @BitMEXdotcom

34. Okex, @OKEx_

35. Bitstamp, @Bitstamp

Official Twitter Accounts of Crypto Projects

Important updates, launches, implementations, and new developer teams. You can follow any projects but these below are a must:

36. Ethereum @ethereum

37. NEO @NEO_Blockchain

38. 0x Protocol @0xProject

39. United Traders @Uttoken

40. Ripple @Ripple

41. EOS @EOS_io

42. Stellar @StellarOrg

43. Monero @monero

44. Litecoin @litecoin

45. Dash @Dashpay

News Channels

Telegram is a perfect solution for news (we’ll cover top channels soon), but there are worthy channels to follow on Twitter too:

46. Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph

47. Coindesk @coindesk

48. Bitcoinmagazine @BitcoinMagazine

49. Coinmarketcap @CoinMarketCap

50. Cryptocoinsnews @CryptoCoinsNews

If you want to be in the loop, follow news channels. If you’re serious about your crypto intentions and want industry insights follow influencers. If you already have crypto investments follow exchanges and crypto projects.

Follow Twitter accounts from the list above and of course United Traders @Uttoken — we share research, analytics, and investment ideas.

Please let us know in the comments who else is worth to be part of this list, and of course like, share and repost.

About the Publisher

United Traders is a community of professional traders and investors. We develop stock market trading applications and share unconventional investment ideas. We are now launching a cryptocurrency exchange.

Our mission is to make ultimate trading and investment technology available to everyone. Our authors are passionate about trading, all things crypto as well as investing and are willing to give to our audience a detailed and unambiguous account of everything we’ve learned.

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