Ama Recap of Universal Crypto and Paradise Tycoon

Universal Crypto
13 min readApr 24, 2022


Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Good day everyone, we are happy to have #ParadiseTycoon project to our live AMA session today. We have @KryptoG87 @greenalien8 @harrikarppinen @TimoYouth with us to talk more about this amazing project!

How are you all doing today mates?

Timo | Empires:
Hello all, happy to be here! 🙏

Harri Karppinen:
Hey all! 👋 So great to be here! Feeling really nice, sun is shining ^_^

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
That's great 😊

So, without any delay! Shall we start our AMA?

Harri Karppinen:
Oh yeah, let's gooooo! 🔥🚀

Hello everyone. Happy to be here!

Timo | Empires:
Absolutely! 🏝

Hi there we’re ready!

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Okay let me share some instructions just for the reminder

🌴Make sure you follow Paradise Tycoon🌴




Thank you🙏

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Please listen rules carefully!

There will be 3 segments of AMA!

👉Introductory questions (5)

👉Twitter questions (5)

👉Live Community questions (5)

Segments of this AMA

Please listen AMA rules again

1: Must join Telegram group of all AMA projects.
2: Follow them on Twitter.
3: Don’t tag any guest of AMA.
4: Don’t repeat same questions
5: #DYOR before investing on any project

Rules for Community

Here is the first question from my side

1. First of all, please introduce yourself with our Community! Also share the experience of your Team!

Timo | Empires:
Sure. I'll go first!

I'm Timo, Co-Founder and COO of Empires Not Vampires, a games developer and publisher company in Finland that have designed, developed and published top 10 downloaded mobile games and worked with some of the biggest mobile games publishers. Last year after careful market research we made a strategic decision to start developing Play and Earn games and now we're announcing Paradise Tycoon.

Very happy to be here, and glad to see so many online! (I'm done! 🏝)

Harri Karppinen:
Good stuff Timo! 🔥I'll go next!

I'm the CEO and also a Co-Founder along with Timo.

I've been working on games for almost two decades now and loving the enthusiasm of the whole blockchain community. I've been an avid gamer since my childhood (grew up with a C64 & NES) and love making games!

To add to what Timo already said about our team, we're very experienced - we have a total of 70+ years of game development experience in the team and counting.

We've shipped multiple titles together and are a battle-tested, efficient team. 💪

We also have incredibly skilled partners and advisors to boost our experience even more in marketing, blockchain technology, finances, legal and other areas.

So yeah that's pretty much us! ^_^ I'm done with the answer :)

We got more details about the Team

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Thanks mates for your Introduction! It's very honour to know about your experience and your Team!

and here

good read 🙂

Harri Karppinen:
Absolutely, we have a lot of stuff about us on that and other Medium posts :)

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
That's great 😊

Here is the Next Question

2: P2E concept is currently a trend among many blockchain-based game projects. Could you please list some prominent features that make #ParadiseTycoon ahead of other competitors? On the way of development, are there any challenges you overcame to achieve your ultimate goals?

Harri Karppinen:
A great question, I'll go ahead with this one...

A bit of context first if I may! We've always loved making tycoon games. When we did market research on blockchain games, we immediately noted how well the tycoon gameplay, tropical theme and our previous experience would work with Play-and-Earn games.

The project felt like a perfect match on many levels so we decided to push forward with it!

Here are 3 things I'd like to pick that will make the game stand out:

1. The look & feel of the actual gameplay will have the same production quality as any successful mainstream game

2. The game design has unique elements in combining metaverse and Free-to-Play-and-Earn mechanisms

3. The game economy is designed & balanced so that it will not crash

One of our ultimate goal is to have a very wide audience and include a lot of players outside the crypto scene, so scalability is definitely one of the biggest challenges we've already been tackling by carefully designing our backend systems AND we're definitely looking forward to Avalanche Subnets!

Hope this answers your questions! :)

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Features are really impressive and I personally liked all these things

Let's see the Next Question

3: #ParadiseTycoon is NFT blockchain game. But in terms of community, there is still a large audience in the gaming world that has yet to meet the crypto and blockchain industry. What are your plans to reach these people and make your voice heard by all gamers?

Timo | Empires:
Absolutely! Important part of creating a succesful blockchain project and one of our main missions is to introduce blockchain gaming to outside of crypto-native audience. Which means we need to ensure the on boarding of the game is very easy, anyone can do it and it's quick as possible.

To achieve this, the game is designed so that players can start playing on browser, or their preferred platform immediately without connecting wallet or buying any NFTs or even tokens. Of course, to actually earn something players will eventually connect their wallet and possibly buy NFTs but it will not be required from the start.

That's it. Simple & effective! 😎

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Yup got it very easily😍

Can we move towards Next Question now?

Timo | Empires:
Sure. Let's keep going! 🙂

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
4: Players in Paradise Tycoon can build and extend territories, as well as take part in the "Harvest Festival." Could you elaborate more about the Harvest Festival? What are the rules for players to participate in the Festival? What benefits of participating in the Harvest Festival?

Harri Karppinen:
Sure! I personally love this feature in the game! The Harvest Festival is a fun community engaging competition where
players gather specific crops and materials to the festival.

Participants will be rewarded based on their share of the total amount

To be successful, players need to manage their workers, make
sure their tools are intact, react quickly to competition rules and
manage logistics! All the players are eligible to participate!

It's gonna be a really fun event that brings the community together!

Timo | Empires:
Here's a concept image (with gameplay graphics) of how the Harvest Festival could look like!

looking forward to our first one! :🥳

Harri Karppinen:
Indeed! That's it about Harvest Festival 🏝

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Well it's an amazing stuff

Harri Karppinen:
Great to hear, thanks! :)

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Please say DONE after completion of every Question.... It will be easier for community to understand 😉

Ok Here is the last Question from my side

5: Can you share your TOKENONICS, Usecases of $MOANI & Complete Roadmap of #ParadiseTycoon that Which goals #ParadiseTycoon achieved yet and what are on the way?

Timo | Empires:
Sure. I'll share the tokenomics first.

The token can be used in many meaningful ways. Players can buy consumables or different items from vendor, to hire workers or rent land or to trade with other players for resources that can be used for building or crafting.

In addition to in-game use, the tokens can also be staked for APY or with NFTs to level up workers. The same token is also used for governance to vote at Town Hall on things that matter in Paradise Tycoon metaverse.

We are currently working on a testnet version and just reached a big milestone by finishing Closed Alpha which we shared to a few selected investors and partners. Our development team builds new versions for WebGL and Windows every day and the art team is currently busy creating environment and land assets.

We are posting weekly updates on Medium, so for more details don't forget to check it out!

We wanna share a few in-game pics from the Alpha version now

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Sure why not

and we also got a short clip !

Timo | Empires:
this is all in-game footage from the closed Alpha. 😎

showing the different camera angle options

Timo | Empires:

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Everything is looking like this!


Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
So here is the end of our First Segment

Now it's time for Twitter Questions

🌴Make sure you follow Paradise Tycoon🌴




Thank you🙏

gentle reminder for everyone joining 🙏

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Community will definitely 😁

Are you ready for Twitter segment?

Harri Karppinen:
Let's do it! 😊

Yes ser!

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Okay let's bring one by One

Q.1) For beginners or people who just know about crypto and participate, but they don't know anything about this, how do you get them to understand this project? and what strategies will you make to make this project a favorite choice in the crypto community?
Twitter handle: @noviaRa22096826

Harri Karppinen:
Great question! As mentioned before, we aim to reach a much wider audience than crypto-natives. Part of this "games first" approach is to make the game easy to begin.

The player is not required to connect wallet, until they want to use Tokens, and even then we will be holding their hand and guiding through it.

To reach this audience, we will use both typical blockchain marketing strategies where a good partnership network will help community grow but also conventional user acquisition methods used in mainstream games, which we have a lot of experience from.

In general, making a game that's really fun to play will cater both to the crypto and mainstream communities!

🏝 DONE 🏝

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Q.2) Talking about lands that exists on “#ParadiseTycoon”, what does it take to own a piece of land on “#ParadiseTycoon”? Also, when lands are owned by users, how can the land owners generate revenue from their lands and what are the benefits associated with owning lands?
Twitter handle: @CryotoF

Timo | Empires:
Thanks for the question CryotoF! Anybody can own lands in Paradise Tycoon and there are a lot of benefits included!.

Each Land has rating from standard to Legendary which determines the crops players can plant, resources they can gather from the land, and what they can build on it, and other stats. Higher ranking lands have a bit more striking appearance as well!

So basically the player can earn from their land by utilizing the crops that can be harvested, collecting the resources, or by renting the land for someone.... or they can just hang around and invite their friends for a party!

You can make your land really stand out from the rest, so it's a great way to make people visiting your epic land very jealous! 😄

Harri Karppinen:
Here's a visualization of an area of land

Timo | Empires:

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Q.3) Currently, most investors only focus on price of token in short-term instead of the real value of project. Could you tell us the benefits of holding your token for long-term?
Twitter handle: @Allrights55

Harri Karppinen:
Good question, thanks Allrights55! We will introduce a solid pipeline of NFT pre-sales for workers, lands, transportation etc. where token holders will have the cutting edge.

Token and NFT staking will be launched shortly after listing and in addition, token holders will be getting access to closed test phases to increase the value of their NFTs before the game launches.

After launch, we will keep developing the game, adding new features and expansions to keep the game interested for loyal players as well as new players.


Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Q.4) Collaborations and partnerships are some of the most important cornerstones to help improve adoption. Can you tell us about your current partners, plans for partnerships and what everybody stands to gain from these partnership?
Twitter handle: @Ramee3n

Timo | Empires:
Absolutely, we agree with you Ramee3n! Excellent partnerships and a strong community are very important parts in creating a successful project. In the end this is a journey we can't do alone so getting help from partners in areas we don't have experience and keeping our community happy and on board to give us feedback on our progress is our priority.

We have partnered with Fomocraft early on for very important strategic and marketing assistance. We also have a very experienced blockhain developer and lawyer in our advisory board. We are making new partnerships on weekly basis with some of the best minds in crypto space to ensure our success.


Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Q.5) I read that the game PARADISE TYCOON gives users the option to play for free. However, can you tell me about how demanding your game is for the device and what characteristics the device must meet to run the game at its best? Will this game be available for mobile or only PC?
Twitter handle: @Muhamma09375399

Harri Karppinen:
Awesome that you bring this topic up Muhamma09375399! One big strength of our team is we've been working on a lot of mobile titles before and therefore making graphics as performant as possible even on low-end devices. So we're really used to making graphics that both look good and run well on a lot of devices!

Currently our development team builds new versions for WebGL and Windows every day and the art team is currently busy creating environment and assets and also optimizing them performance-wise.

We're looking forward to starting off with WebGL, Windows & Mac builds and building towards mobile and other devices so we can maximize the audience!

🐠 DONE 🐠

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Thank you mates for clearing concepts! Now it's time for live community questions!

Before going chat, go through the instructions given below for free ask section rules👇

📌 In this Session, we will unmute the chat for 60 seconds with timer of 10 seconds to avoid flood of questions!

so everyone can send their Questions to participate in the AMA.


🔺 Each participant is allowed to send 3 Different Questions.
🔺 But each message contains 1 or 2 Questions.
🔺 You are not allowed to copy other's participant question otherwise you will not receive the reward even you won.
🔺 Copied question from other AMAs will be disqualified.
🔺 Avoid tagging the guest or its username ( Remember you are not the only one questioning)

🚫In order to be eligible for prizes for Segment 3, you need to do the following:

— You will have to join following group!


I will open this group after 1 minute for your Questions Community!

Are you ready mate?


Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:

Please choose any 5 Best Questions

@TimoYouth @harrikarppinen

Michael Learns:
I am interested to investigation in your project. When and where can i buy your tokens? Is it already listed exchanges?

Timo | Empires:
Thanks for your interest Michael! The token is not yet listed. We're raising private round funding right now and the public IDO round is schedule for late May. Listing will be shortly after. Keep an eye on our community to be first to know!

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
4 more questions

Ali Banad:
According to the project's roadmap- what are your most important next priorities?

Timo | Empires:
We just finished Closed Alpha but we already have plans for the Beta which will also be opened for part of the community by the end of Q2 - this is our next major milestone. However, before that we have plenty of cool things to show you all, and perhaps the public can try out the game just a little bit even before that.

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
3 more Questions please

*_* LEITO KUN *_*:
How many team members do you have? Do they have enough experience in the blockchain field? Do they have any experience on working in crypto and non-crypto project?

Harri Karppinen:
Great question! We currently have 9 people in the core Paradise Tycoon project team and are hiring more as we speak! We have blockchain skills in our team and great advisors on the blockchain field that have huge experience in scaling projects to millions and millions of users. So the simple answer is definitely YES! 🔥

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
2 More Questions are still calling you

Andres A. Bastidas:
Staking, NFT is very hottest, do you think you will apply NFT technology to your products in the achieved future?

Timo | Empires:
Absolutely. We will have a so-called "training camp" where holders of Worker NFTs can send their workers while not playing. Workers will gain levels and abilities which players can use in-game afterwards. This way, you can increase the value of your NFTs even when not actively playing. We are very excited about this feature and it adds a whole new meta layer of gameplay.

concept image of training camp, again with gameplay assets

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
One more question

Timo | Empires:
@harrikarppinen you got the last one, make it a good one!

C O R V U S L U P U S:
Many projects have problems with UI / UX and this one turns off new users. How do you plan to improve the interaction with new users and with users outside the crypto space?

Harri Karppinen:
This is absolutely true! Thanks for the question!

Our team has worked on UI/UX on multiple launched titles and we have years and years of experience on making things look and feel good. We're focusing on getting great, polished UX on every step we take in development. We're keeping crypto and non-crypto users in our mind all the time during development as getting the game popular among mainstream gamers is super important for us!

Great questions all, thank you for posting! You can continue asking on our own channels! :)

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Thanks mates for your amazing time here in universal Crypto

Felt much pleasure to have you here

Timo | Empires:
Definitely, great questions all! 🙏

Lemme share another short video of player’s avatar customization from alpha version

Timo | Empires:
I hope to see you all in our community channels, where we can continue the discussion.

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Sure mate

Harri Karppinen:
Thanks for having us! Really a wonderful community you have! ❤️

Oh yeah let's go!

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Universal Crypto is always standing with you guys

Timo | Empires:

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Will enjoy it😍

🌴Make sure you follow Paradise Tycoon🌴




Thank you🙏

Harri Karppinen:
Thanks, hope you all have a great day!

Atif Rehmani <NeverDmYouFirst>:
Must join all social Links Community for being updated all the time

Thanks universal Crypto Community too for showing great interest in the project #ParadiseTycoon

Thank you everyone here today!

Timo | Empires:
Thanks. Have a great week all!

