Experience the Future of Computing: Apple Vision Pro — The Ultimate Spatial Computing Device

Passive Income Guy
6 min readJun 7, 2023


Immersive Entertainment Redefined: Dive into Cinematic Worlds with Apple Vision Pro! A Revolutionary Spatial Computer

Apple is set to release its highly ambitious device, the Apple Vision Pro, which goes beyond traditional VR or AR headsets. Apple describes it as the “most advanced personal electronics device ever,” showcasing their confidence in this cutting-edge technology. However, with a hefty price tag of $3,500, consumers may wonder if it lives up to the hype.

Scheduled for an early release next year, the Vision Pro boasts impressive specifications, featuring both an M2 chip and a dedicated R1 chip designed for real-time processing. It offers a range of advanced features, including eye tracking, hand control, and voice control. Despite its powerful capabilities, the Vision Pro manages to be relatively lightweight and comfortable to wear. Apple envisions numerous use cases for this spatial computer, such as enhancing productivity with Mac, revolutionizing FaceTime, immersive video viewing, gaming, and even capturing photos and videos.

While the Vision Pro offers an array of features, it seems to lack a standout experience or killer app that would justify its steep price. Apple and its partners still have time to address this issue since the headset is not expected to ship until early 2024.

After experiencing a demo of the Vision Pro in various scenarios, it becomes evident that Apple has put significant effort into ensuring ease of use, realistic video-passthrough, and early app availability. However, there are some concerns to consider. Let’s delve into the pros and cons of the Vision Pro so far.

Design-wise, the Apple Vision Pro resembles a high-tech pair of goggles, boasting a sleek and polished appearance. The 3D-formed glass and aluminum alloy frame contribute to its robustness, while the Light Seal between the headset and the face provides comfort and comes in multiple sizes for a customized fit.

During the demo, the Vision Pro performed a quick vision check, scanning the user’s reading glasses as part of an eye-sight assessment. Apple then fitted the headset with special lenses to correct vision issues, thanks to a partnership with Zeiss. Additionally, customization of the Light Seal was achieved through a Face ID-like scan using an iPhone, ensuring a snug fit and preventing any light leakage. Spatial audio is delivered through audio pods on either side of the head, personalized through a similar scanning process used for AirPods. The flexible Head Band offers comfort and convenience, featuring an easy-to-use dial for adjustment, as well as a Digital Crown on the top right side of the headset for setting the immersion level and a content capture button on the left side.

However, there are a couple of downsides to consider. The Vision Pro must remain tethered to an external battery, necessitating a wire connection from the headset to a battery pack in the user’s pocket. Despite its lightweight design, the headset is far from being small or inconspicuous, marking a departure from the sleekness associated with Apple’s other products like the iPhone or Apple Glasses.

The Vision Pro introduces a new way of interaction, eliminating the need for physical controllers. It employs a 3D interface and eye tracking technology. One standout feature is the ability to select app icons by simply staring at them and tapping the fingers together, without the need to raise hands. The Vision Pro’s cameras capture movements of the user’s lap, allowing for intuitive scrolling by tapping fingers together and waving the arm from right to left. This touchless approach to interaction feels like a glimpse into the future. Moving apps around the virtual space is also effortless, as users can stare at the bottom bar of an app, move it, and pin it wherever desired.

However, there is one somewhat unsettling feature called EyeSight. It displays the user’s eyes on the Vision Pro’s external display, aiming to foster a sense of connection with others.

The Apple Vision Pro offers several benefits that set it apart from other VR/AR headsets and make it an intriguing device to consider:

1. Advanced Spatial Computing: The Vision Pro goes beyond traditional VR or AR headsets, presenting itself as a spatial computer. It leverages powerful hardware, including the M2 chip and dedicated R1 chip, to provide an immersive computing experience that pushes the boundaries of spatial computing technology.

2. Enhanced Productivity: With the Vision Pro, users can experience enhanced productivity by seamlessly integrating it with their Mac. It offers a larger canvas for displaying multiple apps simultaneously, allowing for multitasking and increased efficiency. Users can extend their MacBook’s display by simply looking at it while wearing the Vision Pro, and even interact with content through voice commands, making it a clever and convenient way to work.

3. Immersive Entertainment: The Vision Pro transforms entertainment experiences by offering a 100-foot-wide screen that replicates a cinema-like environment. Whether it’s watching movies, TV shows, or playing games, users can enjoy high-resolution visuals and immersive spatial audio, creating an unparalleled entertainment experience. It supports 3D movie playback and introduces new immersive video formats for a more captivating viewing experience.

4. Revolutionary FaceTime: Apple reimagines the FaceTime experience with the Vision Pro. It incorporates front cameras that capture the user’s digital Persona, mirroring their facial expressions and hand movements during video calls. This feature not only adds a new level of realism to video chats but also enables collaboration through shared 3D models in real-time.

5. Captivating 3D Content: The Vision Pro allows users to experience photos and videos in an immersive way with life-size scale. It offers the ability to view panorama shots as if you were physically present, providing a new level of depth and immersion. Furthermore, the device’s 3D camera enables the capture of spatial photos and videos, bringing moments to life with enhanced details and a sense of realism.

6. Intuitive Interaction: The Vision Pro introduces a controller-free interface that relies on eye tracking and hand gestures. Users can select apps and interact with the interface by simply staring at icons and tapping their fingers together. Moving and pinning apps in virtual space is also intuitive, making it easy to customize the user experience and navigate through various applications seamlessly.

7. Potential for Third-Party Apps: While the Vision Pro already offers a range of early apps, Apple’s collaboration with third-party developers, including Disney, holds great promise for unlocking the device’s true potential. The M2 chip and dedicated R1 chip provide the necessary processing power for real-time data and input, setting the stage for innovative and immersive experiences created by developers.

Overall, the Apple Vision Pro represents a breakthrough in spatial computing and augmented reality, offering advanced features, seamless interaction, and a multitude of use cases that can revolutionize productivity, entertainment, and communication.

Have your say! What are your impressions following Apple’s announcement? What do you think the Vision Pro means for photography and video? Let us know in the comments



Passive Income Guy

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