8 Tips for Feeding Your Baby Solid Foods

Untold Health Guide
3 min readOct 2, 2022

Most parents initially attempt commercially prepared baby foods due to the hectic pace of family life. Small, handy containers are provided, and producers are required to adhere to strict safety and dietary requirements.

Here are some guidelines if you make your own baby food at home:

  1. The texture and consistency of the baby food are crucial, whether you buy it or make it yourself. Baby food should initially be finely pureed single-ingredient foods. (Just applesauce, rather than apples and pears combined, for instance.)
  2. It’s okay to give your infant a pureed mixture of two foods once they are eating individual items. Babies will learn to eat a wider variety of flavors and textures as they get older.
  3. Always wash your hands thoroughly and often while preparing food.
  4. Cook your baby’s meals in a method that retains the most vitamins and minerals to keep the nutrition. Instead of boiling fruits and vegetables, which removes the nutrients, try steaming or baking them.
  5. Pieces that you won’t use straight away should be frozen.
  6. When feeding your infant from jars of prepared baby food, spoon portion of the food into a bowl. Feeding your infant straight from the jar could infect the remaining food with bacteria from the baby’s lips…



Untold Health Guide

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