9 Beautiful Beaches Within a 3-Hour Drive of San Francisco

UpOut SF
2 min readApr 1, 2016


By Jenna Homen

With Memorial Day Weekend right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to get out there and appreciate good ol’ fashioned California beauty. These beaches are all under a 3 hour drive from SF, which is arguably the perfect amount of time before the drive gets too long. In fact, most of these beauties are under an hour drive for those favoring quicker trip! Now go have some fun.

1. San Gregorio State Beach

Nathan Siemers via Flickr


2. Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

Dawn Endico via Flickr


3. Gray Whale Cove State Beach

Robert Gourley via Flickr


4. Pomponio State Beach

peterock1968 via Google+


5. Pescadero State Beach

Don DeBold via Flickr


6. Rodeo Beach

Mike Chowla Photo Blog


7. McWay Cove at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park

Steve Dunleavy via Flickr


8. Natural Bridges

Bob Nastasi via Flickr


9. Carmel Beach

Monterey Peninsula Real Estate


Not too shabby, huh?

Originally published by www.upout.com/sf.



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