What Features Are Removed from Window 11?

3 min readDec 17, 2021

In Window 11, many multi-tasking and customizing features are removed which made many users unhappy. In this blog, you will read the list of Removed features from Window 11. For assistance, you should go to the Microsoft official site via www.office.com/setup.

List of Removed Features from Window 11:

  • Taskbar:

Ability to Move:

In Window 11, the Taskbar is there at the bottom position and you cannot move it whereas, in the earlier versions, you should lock the Taskbar and can move it to any side of the screen.

No Support for Drag and Drop:

Sometimes, while doing multitasking, you want to access files quickly and the user do this, by dragging and dropping the files. But this feature is not possible in Windows 11, as this is an essential multitasking feature which we use on daily basis.

Taskbar menu options

In the earlier versions of Windows, there was an extensive Taskbar menu, but it is completely removed in Window 11 version. The user’s complaint that as Task Manager Option is removed, they cannot be able to start quickly from the Taskbar.

Removal of People and News icons:

In Windows 11, People and News icons are removed from the Taskbar. And the News feature is moved to the Widgets section.

Ability to Remove System Icons:

The user can do more customization in Windows 10, but in Window 11 you can move system icons to the overflow menu if in case, you want to hide them but the user cannot hide them permanently. Hence, in Window 11 the user cannot remove the network, sound or clock icon from the Taskbar.

  • Start Menu:

Live Tiles:

Live Tiles are not there in Windows 11, so it will not take space when you open the Start Menu. As a result, Start Menu looks less cluttered.

App Groups and Folders:

In the Start Menu, these two features are not there and the user can pin apps ad it will not take extra space. Hence, there is no need to create app groups or folders.

Fullscreen Start Menu:

Another useful feature which is removed from Window 11, is use Start Menu in full screen but Microsoft keep this feature for tablet users. It is removed because a full-screen version doesn’t fit well with the new user interface that is why it was removed.

  • File Explorer:

Ribbon Menu:

In Window 11, the Ribbon menu is removed from File Explorer in Windows 11 and now, all the functions are at the top of the window. New File Explorer looks better, as the icons takes more space at the top. And some features are gone from the menu like disc burning, access restriction, file history, printing, and edit options.

  • Settings:

Ability Change Default Apps:

In the earlier version, you can easily change the default apps like music player, photo viewer, web browser, etc. But now the categories are gone, hence you first have to choose the file type and then you have to assign a default application for it. As a result, this method takes several minutes.

These are some of the features which are removed from Window 11. To know more, you should visit to the official site of Microsoft via www.office.com/myaccount.




My name is Madalina, and i used to write information blog.