Upfiring dApp — Updated Development Schedule

Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2017

Since the contribution period, several updates to the project roadmap and development schedule have been made to account for the amount raised. A few key points are as follows:

  • Upfiring will be supported on Windows, MacOS, and Linux/Debian distributions.
  • The mobile applications — both for iOS and Android — will no longer be developed during the initial development phase. They may still be developed at a later date to supplement the Desktop application.
  • The application will most likely be made open-source after its release to allow for community contributions and rapid bug fixes

Updated Roadmap

  • Q4 2017 — Contribution Period v1.0
  • Q4 2017 — Excess Token Burn
  • 2017 through Q1 2018 — Heavy Development
  • Q1 2018 — Alpha release
  • Q2 2018 — Beta release
  • Q3 2018 — Full Desktop version release
  • Q4 2018 — Open-source community contributions, potential for Android/iOS application feasibility

Testnet/Alpha Release Features

The goal of the alpha release is to provide basic functionality within the application. Key features include:

  • Functional seeding, uploading and downloading
  • Official UFR wallet integration
  • Smart contracts, written in solidity, to oversee the file-transfer protocol and oversee UFR transfers between accounts
  • Enabling multiple peer connections
  • Ethereum blockchain synchronization

Beta Release Features

Application Development:

  • Persistent Application State
  • Improved peer discovery
  • Create new torrents within the application
  • Upfiring Wiki Release
  • Improved support for Windows, OSX, and Linux/Debian distributions
  • UFR wallet functionality expanded

Community/Social Development:

  • Upfiring forum creation
  • Social media campaign
  • Partnership formation

Full Release

  • All major bugs eliminated, bug bounty program established
  • Active development of feature requests from the community to allow for continued improvement of the application
  • Open-source considerations
  • Marketing campaign expanded, UI/UX improvements, speed and usability improvements

We will continue to provide development and progress updates as key features are developed. As with all projects in their early stages, the main focus at the moment is full-on development and getting the application working as intended with all of the key components in place.

Give us some feedback on Reddit or Bitcointalk.




Smart contract-based decentralized & incentivized P2P file-sharing platform