Mastering Life’s Priority Puzzle: A Mark Twain Guide to Self-Worth

3 min readNov 21, 2023

Hey there, savvy reader! Ever felt like you’re juggling priorities, and the only thing you’re catching is stress? Well, Mark Twain once dropped a wisdom bomb that’s like the ultimate life hack: “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”

Let’s dissect this golden nugget, shall we?

Priority Power Play

Imagine your life as a grand stage production. You’ve got a limited number of lead roles to cast, and each one is a precious opportunity. Now, here’s the plot twist — you’re the director, and it’s your duty to cast these roles wisely.

Your heart, my friend, is the casting agency. It’s where you decide who gets the VIP pass to your time, energy, and emotional real estate. Picture this: you, the superstar, surrounded by a carefully curated cast of characters who add value to your storyline.

VIP Access Denied

Mark Twain’s advice is like a velvet rope at an exclusive party — only the worthy get in. It’s a reminder to put yourself on the A-list of your own life. When you treat someone else as your top priority while settling for the role of their optional plus-one, it’s like handing out VIP passes to everyone but yourself.

Ever tried being someone’s constant while feeling like an option? It’s like trying to win at chess when your opponent has all the pieces, and you’re left with a lone pawn…




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