45 Money Affirmations

Ur Girl
2 min readAug 25, 2022

To Speak Over Yourself Daily

Speaking affirmations daily have become a great way to manifest things into your life. Many people practice daily affirmations as positive daily habits and as a way to bring forth good things into existence.

I have compiled some of my daily money affirmations that I think you should start to speak over yourselves daily. Positivity is so necessary today in this world that we live in. I really hope that you would give them a try and see the difference that they will make in your finances and in your life.

  1. I am a money magnet
  2. I am worthy of financial security
  3. My income is constantly increasing
  4. Money flows easily to me
  5. I attract money and prosperity with ease
  6. I am a master at attracting money into my life
  7. My bank account never stops growing
  8. I earn tremendous amounts of money doing exactly what I love
  9. I am about to receive more money than I could ever imagine
  10. The money I spend will always be replaced with more
  11. Each day I attract and save more and more money
  12. I am rich in all areas of my life
  13. My income increases every month



Ur Girl

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