What Does Librandu mean? Urban Naxals

What Does Liberandu mean?

Conversations with Urban Naxals
20 min readMar 20, 2020

Liberandu (Liberando)= Liberal + Gan*u A slang word used for Indian liberals.

It is also written as :-

What is meaning of Librandu?

Librandu (Librando)= Liberal + Gan*u A slang word used for Indian liberals.

Characteristics of Liberandu alias Librandu:-

Love for terrorists.
Hate for Hinduism.

Mission of Librandu alias Librando

Want to break India into 100000000000 pieces.

Liberandu (Librandu) means

These persons have a problem with anything which is connected with India or Hinduism. The leftist liberals in India are not nationalists, unlike the Chinese. They are in fact cowards (Gaa*dus). Hence liberandu is aptly used.

Liberandu / Librandu Synonyms:

Secularists, Urban Naxal, Afzal Premi Gang, Communists, Naxalites, Kanhaiya Premi, leftists, Liberando, Librando, Liberandus, Liberandos and Maoists.

Let’s see some examples of Liberanduism / Libranduism:-

1)They have a problem with the image of Hindu God Hanuman

2) Glorifying murderers of Hindus is a qualification to become a liberal in India.

3) If a terrorist attack was done (Pakistani Muslims), then the first statement of liberals would be Terrorism has no religion and another statement would be Hindus were behind the attacks.

4) Openly support separatist movement in the Indian state of J&K and their tagline is “ BHARAT TERE TUKDE HONGE HAZAR INSHA ALLAH INSHA ALLAH”[ INDIA WOULD BE BROKEN INTO THOUSAND PIECES IF ALLAH WANT]

5) They will cry for terrorists like Yakub Memon ( Mumbai Blasts), Afzal guru( Parliament Attack) and Ajmal Kasab(26/11 Mumbai Attcks[4])[5][6]

They have a special fondness for Islamic Invaders and British colonists.

Ahem, this term “liberandu” as you might have guessed is coined from two words — ”liberals” & “Gan*u.

Watch Video on Librandu

Liberals are you can say a class of people who believe in independence from poverty, equality before law, right to speech and other social reform ideas. But the problem starts when these self-declared liberals start attacking a particular religion, you will see a lot of instances when they would just criticize and do nothing for it to be reformed.

Therefore, the second term “ga**u” which is a Hindi slang is added with liberals to refer to the pseudo-liberal who are inherently rich born youngsters who try to defame others just to get popularity and to appear cool.

Best Top Liberandu (Librando) in India List

Ravish Kumar
Sagarika Ghose
Barkha Dutt
Kanhaiya Kumar
Rana Ayyub
Swara Bhaskar
Arundhati Roy
Anurag Kashyap
Javed Akhtar
Naseeruddin Shah
Rajdeep Sardesai
Asaduddin Owaisi
Karan Thapar
Arvind Kejriwal
Mamta Banerjee
Shashi Tharoor
Sanjay Singh
Arfa Khanum Sherwani

Liberals (Urban Naxals) be like:

We want freedom of expression, but if someone appreciates Modi/BJP/Hinduism, we will make his/her life hell and will label him/her a Bhakt.

This is my youtube channel where I am going to expose all soon.


We want free Kashmir but we do not want freedom of Uyghur muslims of China.

We hate Ghoonghat but we love Hijab/Burqa.

We have freedom of what to wear until we visit a mosque.

Don’t burst those crackers this Diwali, I have asthma, my dog get scared but I and my dog are alright when it is New year Celebration.

Pragya thakur is a terrorist but Baghdadi is a religious Scholar.

Tipu sultan was a great leader but we do not know who was Maharana Pratap.
Mughals made India rich but dare you talk about Zazia Tax.

Persecuted Pakistani Hindus are a threat to the nation but Don’t talk about Rohingyas.

Terrorism has no religion/colour but Nathuram Godse was a Hindu Terrorist.
India is a secular country but do not implement Uniform Civil Code.

Bharat Mata ki jai is communal but la illah ila allah is freedom of speech.
Movies like Tanhaji promotes extreme Hinduism but PK represents secularism.

On 21st December, ‘comedian’ Varun Grover posted a poem on social media to ‘resist’ the Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register for Citizens (NRC) titled ‘Hum Kagaz Nahin Dikhayenge (we will not show documents)’. In his poem he said that he will not show his papers even if he is asked to. Remember, the NRC is not even out in its draft from.

However, he also asks for valid ID proof to attend his own shows.

Recently, he announced his upcoming tour to the United States.

As per US government website, one needs to submit passport and other required documents in order to obtain visa to visit the United States.

In fact, during the interview process for the visa, ink-free digital fingerprint scans are carried out at embassy.

A little too much documentation for someone who said he won’t show his documents to Indian government and even urged others to follow the same.

People were quick to point out his hypocrisy.

The Indian liberal logic is phenomenal. They are the biggest hypocrites seen in a long time on this planet. Take the case of Arumita Mitra.

When she goes to visit temples, she wears shorts and says — We need to break social barriers.

The same person goes to a mosque, and instantly wears a burkha, citing respect for culture.

I’m speechless. 😓


I don’t intend to hurt any sentiments by my answer.

Not gonna stretch this answer. I’ll just put few pictures to describe the logic of our so called Indian LIBERALS.

She’s Arfa Khanum Sherwani

And in below pics is her liberal logic.

She stinks of hypocrisy, but, She’s a Journalist at The Wire. Are we surprised ?

And yeah one more thing..

Bharat Mata ki Jai.

Liberalism in India is warped, not real. Globally, liberalism has been about advancements in lifestyle and bringing down archaic laws and systems. Indian liberalism has done the opposite.

  • Liberalism should be about inclusion of different cultures. Indian liberals still support ethnocentric parties like DMK, TMC etc. that spit abuses at people of other states, especially the ones living in North India. Isn’t liberalism about maintaining cohesion in a heterogeneous society?
  • Liberalism is about meritocracy, not nepotism. How many times have you seen liberals standing up against dynasty politics? Every so called “liberal party” you can think of: Congress, TMC, PDP, SP, NC etc. has a family governing internal politics of the party. It is ironic to see real meritocracy in a right-wing party like BJP.
  • Liberalism is about doing away with archaic laws. Indian Liberals back outdated laws in name of religion. They think it is justified for a man doing away from his wife by saying Talak three times, just because the community being considered here is a minority group. I’m sorry, this is not liberalism. It is extreme conservatism.
  • Liberalism is about supporting trends like homosexuality. How many times have you seen liberals actually voicing their support until Article 377 was scrapped? Liberals talk only when something becomes a trend. Despite 60 years of so called “liberal” rule in India via Congress, why did it take so much time in decriminalising homosexuality?
  • Liberalism is about supporting human rights of everyone. Indian liberals can support the human rights of stone pelters in Kashmir, but they can’t do the same for armymen who’re defending them at the borders. Such hypocrisy!
  • Liberalism is about supporting free speech, right? Free speech of any kind. It is ironic to see how India liberals are so moderate when someone chants loudly about breaking the nation in two parts, but they’re not okay with a person holding extreme conservative views. Both opinions are extreme on either side of political spectrum, if you support one then you have to support the other too.
  • Last but not the least, liberalism is about respecting every religious community (that includes the majority community). It saddens me from inside that Indian liberals have stooped down so low in name of minority appeasement that they have started bashing the majority religion, on which the very identity of India is based upon. Are you really a liberal if you selectively target the majority religion and bash its rich culture in order to appease minorities? I’m sorry, it doesn’t work that way.

Despite holding liberal views, I do not find myself in the category of Indian liberals because they’re a hypocritical community. Liberalism in India is warped because India never had a liberal movement as such.

America had Civil Rights movement, France had many small revolutions. India never had any major liberal movement, for which liberals themselves are to blame.

I’m happy being a right-wing supporter till the point they’re giving me a better alternative than these hypocritical chaps.

First of all India have a large population of High quality Liberals whose fight is just against a particular party, religion, Cultural aspects of a particular religion.

  • They hate the concept of ghunghat because its Superstitious but burkha is a Right of choice. (FYI I don’t have problem with any of them, but my problem is with characterising them)
  • They hate it when when Modi govt Introduced CAA and NRC and wanted to throw illegal immigrants out of country but kept mum when Kashmiri pandits were asked to leave their own birthplace because they were of a particular religion.
  • They hate it when woman are not allowed Inside one temple due to some unknown reasons (FYI India has temples where even man are not allowed Inside). But when woman aren’t allowed Inside masjid it is their Internal matter and choice of religion.
  • They hate it when Muslims are generalized as terrorists (Which is totally fine by me) but start attacking a whole religion (dub maro sallo) like this when Kathua happened:
  • They hate it when we burn crackers for one day because it causes pollution but start smoking the very next moment and as per them crackers on Wedding ceremony and New year produces oxygen.
  • They hate it when Maharashtra govt is making Investment on Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (who saved Hinduism in India) because it costs us a ton, but as per them celebrating Tipu Sultan jayanti (who was a traitor) brings money to India from unknown outside sources.
  • People of other religions are persecuted in Islamic countries, you have to wear burkha no matter what your religion is in saudi, China is putting millions of muslims in concentration camps and making them eat pork but as per them India is Intolerant.
  • Mughals made India rich even though they converted and/or killed millions of Hindus, but Nathuram Godse was a Hindu terrorist.
  • Bharat mata ki Jai and standing in National anthem is Communal. But Inshallah and la illah ill illah isn’t.

India should award these Liberals with a padma bhushan and request them to leave the country.

Indian liberal is not actual liberal, they are just pirated. In India, most of the liberals are for show off and most of them don’t even know exactly what it constitutes. Liberals are considered rich and developed, so project as later, former is necessitated.

I was listening to Mr Javed Jafri’s speech where he blamed the government for making Mandir and not on education, health etc. It’s typical liberal logic and for neutral or first-hand person sounds good. But when Triple Talaq is criminalized, they cry foul with an attack on Article 25.

Propaganda comprises two methods:-

  1. Against the constitution: Their constitution understanding finds it slightly out of the box, then it’s the murder of democracy and Nehru’s ideals. As if Nehru was not there,world would have been in mess.
  2. Against people’s will: CAA is perfectly fine with the constitution till now and conforming with chacha’s ideals. So now time to speak for people.

example 1 :

Example 2 :

Example 3 :

Example 4:

Example 5:

Example 6 :

Political Kida@PoliticalKida

Just another video where Dhruv Rathee is caught lying & making false claims


12:53 AM — Oct 31, 2019

Twitter Ads info and privacy

3,297 people are talking about this

Example 7:

Example 8:

But Sir ji has not apologize till now. :D

too many examples, and how these people really looks like ?

Like this poor girl, now she became part of comedy in twitter.

Recently a Muslim man got lynched to death by Cow vigilantes. Liberals are outraged by this hate crime. I agree with them and I too feel disturbed by it and I support the outrage against it.

But last month, Dhruv Tyagi was murdered by a Muslim family of eleven members for objecting to molestation of his daughter in Delhi.

I was outraged then too. But then liberals objected to my outrage saying “Since Hindus are 75 percent of India’s population, it is natural for majority of victims to be from Hindu community.” That’s where I disagree with them.

They take out candle marches in condolence of rape victims, but want everyone to keep mum to molestation, they don’t feel worried that molesters went to the extent of murdering the person opposing them and this is the situation, in the capital of India.

They want to hold the government accountable for only Jharkhand lynching and not Dhruv Tyagi murder. That’s where I disagree with them.

Someone posted this in comments section to one of my answers where I pointed out the double standards of showing outrage by Liberals.



I thoroughly disagree and despise people like these.


It is a difficult thing to accept but, 95 percent of world Hindus live in India. If Hinduism is not given special protection in India, it will eventually annihilate and become history.

A few decades ago, Hindus had significant presence in present day Pakistan, Afganistan, Bangladesh. Today, there are less than 200 Hindu families left in Afghanistan and would be facing persecution as I write.

The situation in Bangladesh is no better. As per a news report of Dhaka Tribune ‘No Hindus will be left after 30 years’ in Bangladesh.

In Pakistan, Hindu minor girls are being kidnapped in broad daylight and married off to Muslim men, the Courts in Pakistan are giving legal sanction to it by saying Pakistan court rules teenage Hindu girls converted to Islam…

To top it all, these liberals up in arms against the proposed citizenship bill which gives citizenship to persecuted minorities of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afganistan.

Their argument is so far from reality and practicality, that it almost feels that they want those citizens to either convert or die.

The citizenship bill provides for citizenship to six minority groups, viz. Hindus, Parsi, Buddhist, Jain, Christian and Sikh.

Liberal outrage is for the fact that the bill does not include Muslims. This is their deliberate attempt at stalling the bill. Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan are Muslim majority countries and it is understandable to even an illiterate person that they aren’t minorities in these countries. This is where I get outraged by Liberals, their hypocrisy, their dogmatic approach towards a practical problem, their too much love for Islamists is what gets in my nerve.

There are two reasons for it, one of it is that Liberals most of them ( all over the world and not just India ) are either hypocrites or are fearful for their lives.

The reasons like Hindus are majority in India that is why they are targeted is just a plain excuse.

I mean there are 8 states in India where Hindus are in minority, do you see anyone talking about things in those states?

Has any liberal till now criticize Christian terrorist groups in east which target the minority Hindus?

Oh! You don’t know there are Christian terrorists group in India. Thank liberals for that.

You can see them taking side of majority community in Kashmir, who have helped in the biggest ethnic cleansing in India.

Not a single liberal have come out in support for minority Kashmiri Pandits? Recently Hindu leaders were targeted in Punjab, where Hindus are in minority and the liberal silence was deafening.

There are many other examples, India has the second biggest population of one particular community in the whole god dammed world and still they are considered minority.

Why not Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Jews and Parsis problems ever cross their mind.

The Indian Parsi community requires the most attention because this is the only community that might lose the status of community because of their dwindling numbers.

How many liberals out there came in support ?

Jains the worlds most peaceful religion has been targeted so many times but Liberals just don’t consider them important enough.

No one talk about Sikhs who have given so many sacrifices for this country. Even the political refugees of Tibet are ignored, no liberal talk about China’s stand on Tibet.

So the argument of majority and minority is as flawed as liberalism itself.

The second reason is the fear.

Few days back three girls from Kerala were criticized for dancing in public, a Kerala RJ liberal came out in their support. Then there was a series of death threats, in the end he apologized.

Liberals mute spectators. A journalist asked a simple question “Why there are movies only like Sexy Durga and not Sexy ____ and not Sexy ____” death threats were issued against him and a total of ZERO liberals came out in support. I can go on and on this point…

Actually the real reason is that torch bearers of liberalism are running a factory, that utilizes the common issues.

They get money to sit in news debates when they are in limelight and to stay in limelight they want to talk about social evils of a particular community whom they know are less threatening.

That is the only reason they chose Christians in west and Hindus in east. They pamper only one community that they know has radicals who can come to their office one day and they will be named next to Charlie Hebdo.

This is the most dangerous game liberals are playing knowingly or unknowingly.



Protests, Death Threats Over Aaj Tak Journo Rohit Sardana’s Tweet

Communism is built on the idea of a class struggle. There is believed to be a hard line between the workers [Proletariat] and the property owners [Bourgeoisie].

The workers of the world are supposed to raise up breaking national borders and fight the “ruling class”.

The ruling class includes kings, democratically elected rulers, religious heads, military, land owners, entrepreneurs, aristocrats, industrialists etc. And this the class that is meant to be fought.

You can see this in such propaganda posters:

Fighting religion is a central plank of Communism. Because religion often unites people across class lines [rich and poor many celebrate Holi or Diwali together] it hinders the class warfare. Same with nationalism — it too binds people across class lines.

Thus, by ideology a communist fights all kinds of festivals and traditions — and build up the excuses after the fact. They all distract the workers from the class war they are supposed to fight.

In short, Communism is not merely against the government or the establishment, but everything we stand for — cultures, traditions, religions, nationalities. We are not supposed to have any identity other than class.

Indian communists have always had a very uncomfortable relationship with nationalism. Some of the major debates and divisions within the Communist Party of India have revolved around the question of nationalism and the national movement.

And, if the truth be told, these debates do not exactly hold up the comrades in an edifying light. On the scorecard of nationalism, the performance of Indian communists is poor to say the least.

(On internationalism, their score is irrelevant, since a world communist revolution is not even a pipe dream after the collapse of socialism and the exposure of the many crimes of the socialist regimes in Soviet Russia, in Eastern Europe, in China, in Albania, under Pol Pot in Cambodia and so on.)

To begin with the most notorious example that communists have never been able to live down: 1942. The CPI was officially against the Quit India movement.

What needs to be emphasized here is that this decision of the CPI was not based on any understanding of the Indian situation by Indian communists.

The opposition to the clarion call of 1942 was the outcome of a diktat emanating from Moscow. When Hitler attacked his erstwhile ally, the Soviet Union, in 1941, the fight against Nazism overnight became a People’s War for all communists.

The directive from Moscow was carried by Achhar Singh Chinna, alias Larkin, who travelled from the Soviet Union to India with the full knowledge of the British authorities. I

n India, it meant communists had to isolate themselves from the mainstream of national life and politics and see British rule as a friendly force since the communists’ “fatherland”, Soviet Russia, was an ally of Britain.

A critical decision affecting the strategic and the tactical line of the party was thus taken defying national interests at the behest of a foreign power, whose orders determined the positions and actions of the CPI.

In 1948, within a few months of India becoming independent, the CPI under the leadership of B.T. Randive launched the line that this freedom was fake (yeh azadi jhooti hai), and argued that the situation in India was ripe for an armed revolution.

The Randive line led to the expulsion of P.C. Joshi, who believed that freedom from British rule was a substantial achievement and that, tactically, the communist movement would gain by supporting leaders like Jawaharlal

Nehru who, Joshi said, represented a “progressive” trend within the Congress. Apart from the inner-party struggle, what needs to be noted here is that the Randive line, which completely misread the national mood, was the direct outgrowth of a policy formulated by the Comintern (or the Cominform, as it had renamed itself), in other words, Moscow.

The directive of Moscow to the Indian communists was that Congress should be opposed since it was no more than a satellite of imperialism.

The retreat from this line was also sounded from Moscow in the form of an editorial entitled, “For a Lasting Peace”, in the mouthpiece of the Cominform.

The defeat of Joshi in the inner- party struggle camouflaged an important and lasting tension within the CPI.

This concerned the party’s ideological and tactical position regarding the Congress.

Joshi represented a trend within the party that believed in closer ties with the Congress, especially Nehru.

It argued that, given the incipient nature of the proletarian movement in India in the Forties and Fifties, it was necessary to seek an alliance with the Congress since it was the party that was closest to the masses and it had leaders who were favourably inclined to socialism and its global future.

It was Joshi’s firm belief that the democratic revolution in India could be completed only through an alliance between the national bourgeoisie represented within the Congress and the CPI.

While the opposite trend saw the Congress as a bourgeois party and therefore hostile to the interests of the working class and the communist movement.

The Congress could not be trusted, a suspicion that was strengthened when the first communist government in Kerala led by E.M.S. Namboodiripad was dismissed by Nehru in the summer of 1959.

Three years later, in 1962, when the Sino-Indian border conflict occurred, a section of communists, among whom Namboodiripad was prominent, chose to uphold the cause of China and portrayed India as the aggressor.

This was yet another occasion when the communist movement found itself isolated from the national mainstream.

.It led eventually to a split in the CPI with the pro-Chinese faction leaving the parent party to form the Communist Party of India (Marxist).

A rump remained as the CPI — a party totally subservient to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and some would say even fully funded by it.

To these dates — 1942, 1948, and 1962 — when the communists chose not to serve Indian interests but to act at the behest of either Moscow or Peking (as it was then) can now be added another date: 2007 when the Left’s anti-US position echoed what the Chinese Communist Party is saying on the Indo-US nuclear deal.

Given its track record, the Left’s attempt to see itself as a protector of India’s national sovereignty and autonomy is a disgrace.

Communists in India have acted, at critical periods, at the behest of the Soviet Union or China. In so doing, communists have sacrificed India’s national interests.

The history of Indian communism is the story of a series of historic treason. The red flag has never fluttered because those who hold it aloft know only how to betray.

What is pathetic is that even the treachery and betrayal of the communists are not their own, it is doctored by Russia or China!

Best Top Liberals in India List

Ravish Kumar

Sagarika Ghose

Barkha Dutt

Kanhaiya Kumar

Rana Ayyub

Swara Bhaskar

Arundhati Roy

Anurag Kashyap

Javed Akhtar

Naseeruddin Shah
Rajdeep Sardesai

Asaduddin Owaisi

Karan Thapar

Arvind Kejriwal

Mamata Banerjee

Shashi Tharoor

Sanjay Singh

Arfa Khanum Sherwani

Thanks for reading.

Again I say, I respect all regions and every religions are equal for me. I have fight with liberals. if you have fights with any religions, I am not with you. When I was my bad times, people from Other religions came first to help me. They came to meet me in hospital when I was alone in that city.









Do not forget to share on share medias.

I am going to expose all Liberandu on youtube soon


Conversations with urban Naxals



Conversations with Urban Naxals

I respect all regions. All are same for me. If you have problem with any religions, I’m not with you. Coming to expose on YouTube #UrbanNaxals #Liberandu