The Ultimate American Hero: A Review of Captain America

Jared W.
3 min readOct 26, 2014


In 2011, Marvel Studios decided to bring to the big screen one of its most beloved superheroes series, Captain America. With the reintroduction of Captain America: The First Avenger to a whole new generation of people, the hero became an even more revered and admired figure in popular culture. Now with the release of the 2014 sequel Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the series has skyrocketed into the pantheon of all-time great science fiction series. In the eyes of mass culture,with the combination of ideals such the American dream realized and the battle of good versus evil, there is not much to not like about the series as well as the character of Captain America.

Steve Rogers, underdog turned hero

The embodiment of Steve Rogers as the underdog ultimately turned American hero is one of the most effective appeals to mass consumers. And with box office totals well over the billion dollar mark, popular culture certainly proved this to be true. Three principles stand out when you think of Chris Evans’ character are those of Patriotism, Integrity, and Good prevailing over evil. It can be argued that these three principles are the most inherent values of Captain America and consumers, which is what makes this series wildly successful.

From the very onset of the series, we see that Steve Rogers, a small-statured man who is the victim of ridicule and assault, has tough skin and the heart of a lion. His character is very representative of the “little guy” that we in American culture are all too familiar with. The movie series is initially set in the 1900's during World War II in a time where soldiers were being drafted. Because of his small build and numerous medical issues, Steve was not fit to be a soldier. The only goal for Steve is prove to himself and to others that he is worthy of being an American soldier. With his conviction and courage, Steve is ultimately selected to undergo a special experiment to be transformed into a supersoldier. He is then respected as the hero that we know as Captain America.

Through his courage, Captain America shows the true heart and definition of what it means to American. These values are what we love about Captain America. In day and age where we are looking for heroes and role models whose values may not be as uplifting and encouraging as they once were. The character of Captain America gives us the hope for our country through popular culture.

