The Token Fund extends Bounty Campaign to September 30th

Dwight Sproull
2 min readSep 4, 2017


Due to popular demand, The Token Fund is extending our popular bounty campaign till the end of September. During the month of August we’ve received a lot of interest from the community, so we’ve decided to push back the date so more people could participate. The same rules apply as before.

For people who have already been working on the bounty campaign, you’re still entitled to rewards for the work you’ve completed, so don’t worry.

A quick recap of the bounty campaign:

Facebook Campaign — $2250

Requirements: users must have 500+ friends, and the account you use must be your active personal account. We are not interested in marketing accounts with 2000 fake friends used to send out high volumes of promoted messages. We’re looking to reward influencers who help introduce us to their audience.

You can register here and we’ll verify your account and contact you.

To become eligible for the bounty, you must participate for the entire campaign, and share two posts per week from our official Facebook page.

All the bonuses will be paid in TKN tokens. In order to receive your bonus, please sign up using the same email address you use for the bounty campaign.

Bitcointalk Signature Campaign- $2250

Requirements: must be at least a junior member. Must make at least 30 comments during the bounty campaign period in any thread on bitcointalks forum.

Register and submit your bounty application.

You can find the codes for the signature here.

All bounty rewards will be paid in TKN. Please sign up using the same email you used for your bounty application.

Telegram Bounty Campaign- $500

Requirements: join our Telegram group and participate actively in the discussion.

Register for the bounty campaign here.

Join our Telegram group.

All bounty rewards will be paid in TKN. Please sign up with the same email you used to submit your bounty application.



Dwight Sproull

Blockchain enthusiast, metalhead, video game lover, rpg aficionado