HI,Dear community! We are back!

United Traders
2 min readFeb 1, 2018


Hello, everybody!

After a short delay associated with some technical hiccups and organizational issues upon finishing the token sale, we are back again! It is high time to share the great news and plans.

UTToken news:

Distribution of tokens to all the participants of the campaign is successfully completed. At the moment we are busy with refunds to investors who failed to pass KYC procedure or broke buy limits.

According to terms of our whitepaper, all the unsold tokens were burned. Here you may find address of the special smart contact, where we’ve send them. So, currently total supply of UTT is 69 403 131.

For the moment our token is listed in cryptocurrency exchange HITbtc and traded to 3 major pairs: UTT/BTC, UTT/ETH, UTT/USDT. Our community often asks about new currency exchanges. Sorry, we cannot disclose such information, but we acknowledge that we do make some preparations and hold some negotiations.

United Traders news:

Currently we are deeply involved in development of new projects. New programmers and development engineers, community managers, designers and marketers joint our team.

A major part of the activity is addressed to cryptocurrency exchange UTEX. In a short while we are going to present OTC Desk which is to be engaged in fulfilling big orders by means of Smart Route technology aggregating liquidity from the largest trading platforms.

Special attention is given to UT Investment Marketplace. Over the next few days this “investments shop” will present conceptually new projects meticulously developed by our traders and analytics.

A great variety of interesting events and pleasant surprises is ahead! Stay tuned!

