BlackEnergy — CyberDefenders Writeup

2 min readJul 4, 2023

Q1: Which volatility profile would be best for this machine?

Command: volatility -f FILENAME.raw imageinfo

Ans: WinXPSP2x86

Q2: How many processes were running when the image was acquired?

Command: volatility -f FILENAME.raw psxview

Ans: 19

Q3: What is the process ID of cmd.exe?

Command: volatility -f FILENAME.raw psxview

Ans: 1960

Q4: What is the name of the most suspicious process?

Command: volatility -f FILENAME.raw psxview

Ans: rootkit.exe

Q5: Which process shows the highest likelihood of code injection?

Command: volatility -f FILENAME.raw pslist

Ans: svchost.exe

Q6: There is an odd file referenced in the recent process. Provide the full path of that file.

Command: volatility -f FILENAME.raw malfind

Command: volatility -f FILENAME.raw handles -t file -p 880

Ans: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\str.sys

Q7: What is the name of the injected dll file loaded from the recent process?

Command: volatility -f FILENAME.raw ldrmodules -p 880

Command: volatility -f FILENAME.raw ldrmodules -p 880 | find “False”

Ans: msxml3r.dll

Q8: What is the base address of the injected dll?

Command: volatility -f FILENAME.raw malfind -p 880

Ans: 0x980000

