How VAEON Helps You Regain Full Control and Value of Your Personal Data

VAEON Protocol
3 min readOct 1, 2018


The self-governed layer 2 EOS Protocol

Nowadays, data is everywhere. On our phones, computers, tablets- you name it. With time, much of it is uploaded and shared to the internet in some form or another. The internet collects this information from all over the world and supports every single web application that we know today, from Amazon to Yahoo.

These web apps have led to a monumental and permanent shift in how we interact with each other and the world: how we shop, how we travel, and how we share information. The underlying business model is simple and highly profitable: companies provide a free web service such as e-mail, search, shopping, or photo sharing in exchange for data about each user’s family, habits, interests, location, purchases- the list goes on. As users, we don’t have much choice in the matter; either we use a web service and give up our data or we are denied access altogether. There is no third option.

In many cases, users agree to unclear terms and conditions buried in multi-page legal agreements without a second glance. We do this actively by visiting a site and simply clicking “Accept” to clear the annoying pop-up getting in between us and that lamp we wanted off Amazon; or passively by simply continuing to use a site. Think about it: How did you get here?

In this way, users willingly grant their personal e-data to these so-called tech giants. Now, not every site is using data in malicious or harmful ways, however it prompts many questions: What are these companies doing with our data? Who are they selling it to? How well are they securing data from hackers? And what risks do we unknowingly face as a consequence?

Now imagine a world where users are in full control of their data. A world in which data is securely stored in a decentralized manner and each person is free to decide if, when, and to what extent they’d like to share their data. They even have the freedom to choose to whom they send it, and at what price. In this world, users can change from one service provider to another without losing their entire history, data, or digital identity in the process. Sounds pretty appealing, right? This is what we envision at VAEON.

VAEON is a decentralized protocol that enables individuals to fully control their personal data and its value, while giving businesses the opportunity to build new business models in an ecosystem free from intermediaries. VAEON provides an independent, open protocol with built-in governance which runs on EOS blockchain technology and clearly defines how personal data is structured, exchanged, or sold. Every user is able to securely combine their profiles, personal data, professional credentials, and networks into one decentralized source that can be shared or monetized as they wish.

Tl;dr? As the title says, we want to give you back the value and full control of your personal data. Check out the resources below if you want to learn more about things like how it works, what’s in it for companies, and meet our team.

VAEON Protocol is the first ICO worldwide backed by EOS VC. VAEON Protocol is a self-governed layer 2 EOS protocol. In short, VAEON Protocol allows any user to securely combine their profiles, personal data, professional credentials, and networks into one decentralized source that can be shared or monetized as they wish.

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VAEON Protocol

Connect, Unify, and Monetize Personal Data on the Blockchain