“Why I am at MATC”

3 min readSep 21, 2016

This school has one of the best hands on experiences that is also affordable. You have so many fake IT schools in the country I wear my MATC experience with honor. I am paying for my school myself and because they are affordable they are making my dreams of becoming a CCIE more real. This school works with me and I really like the atmosphere here. This place feels like home, I will tell people that they should attend if they are pursuing a Tech degree. Lets look at the advantages:

Salaries for Trade School Jobs

For starters, salaries for trade school graduates aren’t that much of a drop-off compared to a four-year degree. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, technical and trade school jobs have a median annual salary of $35,720, though this figure varies heavily based on the particular industry and the experience level of the worker. The BLS predicted earnings for bachelor’s degree holders to be roughly $46,900, amounting to an annual difference of $11,180. This stat, of course, doesn’t factor in long term earnings growth. According to www.thesimpledollar.com

Price of Education

The average trade school degree costs $33,000, which, compared to a $127,000 bachelor’s degree, means a savings of $94,000. But that’s not all! If you assume that students are fully financing their education with loans at 4% over 10 years, the bachelor’s degree will cost $154,000, while the trade school degree will cost only $40,000. That’s a savings of $114,000 just on the degree.

Of course, most students in both cases won’t fully finance their education. They’ll work and find other sources of income to help with the process, meaning the gap will be smaller in the average case. Research gathered in 2012 suggests that the average college student debt load is $29,900, and that number rises to $36,327 when factoring in interest. Conversely, the average debt load for students graduating from a two-year technical school is $10,000, roughly 70% less than the four-year graduate. According to www.thesimpledollar.com

Job Security

Yet another advantage of technical trade school is that most of the jobs you’ll get are extremely difficult to export to another country. More and more jobs are being outsourced to places where labor is cheaper, making domestic employment in certain sectors difficult to get. It is much easier to export, say, computer programming work or other information economy work than it is to export carpentry or electrical work, as that requires a physical presence.

Not only that, but there’s a growing domestic demand for high-precision skills. According to Forbes, skilled trade workers are a disproportionately older population, and will only continue to get older, creating increased opportunities for young workers to fill their shoes. According to www.thesimpledollar.com

I also have to add that my credits are transferable to UWM as well. I am so glad I didn’t make the error and go to a fly by night school that is driven by making money and not by making sure students have the tools to be successful. I am here because of the welcoming feeling I get from my instructors as well. I am learning about a CTY line-type being the Console Port. On any router, it appears in the router configuration as line con 0 and in the output of the show line command as cty. The console port is mainly used for local system access using a console terminal . I’m learning that net neutrality refers to the premise that all Internet service providers should treat all data that flows through their networks equally. That is highlighted because I think that its bad. The tech world is amazing and everything is ever changing. So many teachers have have a master’s degree and many of their tech students will be making more money than me once they graduate. One of the qualifications of a teachers position is a master’s degree, but it must make them question their choices. I think a tech degree is very smart in these times. These are some of the reasons I am at MATC.




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