The Art of Kindness

VH Turner
2 min readDec 21, 2019

Some think kindness is a practice. Some think it is a philosophy. Some think it is a religion. Some think it is the rent of being.

Kindness is my art.

Art is my attempt to understand, describe, and affect the world surrounding me.

My kindness work affects these attempts.

Before I decided kindness as my path, I spread my rage in everything I wrote or said.

I hurt people.

Furthermore, I thought pieces trying to inspire others were false in their saccharine positivity.

Then, I suffered. I lost my ability to work, my mind, my mother, my freedom, my illusions.

All of these losses made me realize attempts to provoke a smile from another is not manipulative or deluded but instead a step toward creating more beauty and stemming from bravery not pedestrian values.

It takes a lot of creative talent and skill to help others fall in love with themselves and life, especially in these painful times.

Gently creating a map out of the darkness illustrates not only a certain understanding of the topography of pain and healing but a miraculous choice to love and live instead of set about dying.

Such lofty goals stem from an artistic framework.

