Introducing VIBEVERSE and Announcing the first VIBE NFT Auction!

5 min readSep 14, 2020


Hello everyone! We’re happy to announce today our new browser based gaming experience ‘VIBEVERSE’ and the very first VIBE NFT Auction! The VIBEVERSE is a browser based game available on PC, MAC, and Linux! Any user with an internet connection can play! The first VIBE NFT Auction will take place on September 21st for NFT’S to use within VIBEVERSE. The first auctions for VIBE NFT’s will be two solar systems consisting of 25 planets and a second auction for the spaceships to travel within VIBEVERSE. Stay tuned later this week for visuals of VIBE NFT’S and UI for the Auction!

Join an army of VIBEIANS to become the most powerful planet in VIBEVERSE. Using advanced space aircraft with speeds faster than the speed of light. VIBEIANS travel through the VIBEVERSE to form alliances with other planets or raid them of their resources. The most powerful planets in the VIBEVERSE are those with the largest army of VIBEIANS to build out it’s resources and defend their planet from being raided. Use your planets resources to earn all the treasures you will find within your planet. But be aware, the more powerful your planet, the bigger army you’re going to need to defend it.

VIBEVERSE is made of precious minerals, elements, and metals. The most important and the element that drives the advancement of VIBEVERSE is named ‘VIBEREUM’. VIBEREUM is used to power planets, provide water, fuel
spacecraft, and mine for sacred treasures. The only problem for citizens of the VIBEVERSE is VIBEREUM can’t be found anywhere in the galaxy. Citizens must collect various minerals and elements to fuel their Refinery to produce VIBEREUM and use it to power their planet, aircraft, and mining operations.

VIBEVERSE is made up of 25 different planets and rapidly expanding. Planet owners are the most powerful citizens in the VIBEVERSE and ultimately choose the direction they want their planet to take in its evolution. Planet owners get a share of all profit the planet produces. Whether it’s from mining operations or entertainment on their planet, VIBE planet owners are the highest of hierarchies within VIBEVERSE.

Civilians of VIBEVERSE choose how they want to take part in its evolution. Citizens pick their role in the heiarchy and it’s up to them to move up the hierarchy within the VIBEVERSE. Science and Exploration, Military, and Industrial Builders are the 3 roles within the VIBEVERSE.

Science and Exploration

VIBEIANS collect precious metals and minerals to produce VIBEREUM. In order to expand the VIBEVERSE and your planets resources, travel the VIBEVERSE and collect all it’s hidden treasures.


VIBEIANS defend their planet from invaders and explore the VIBEVERSE for planet invasions. Set up bases and defensive weapons around your planet to defend potential invasions or attacks.

Industrial Builders

Build mining operations, refineries, and cities to become the most powerful planet in VIBEVERSE. Industrial builders also build military bases & defensive artillery.

Civilians within the VIBEVERSE choose a planet to call their home with the approval of the planet owner. Civilians earn a share of the profits on the planet by how much value they bring to their planet. Like with life before VIBEVERSE, you can’t do everything by yourself in building a planet.
Planet owners need citizens to earn maximum profit and drive the expansion of their planet in the VIBEVERSE.

As beautiful as VIBEVERSE is, there is bound to be darkness. Planets can decide raid other planets with weak defense to steal the precious VIBEREUM, treasures, industrial buildings, mining equipment, and the sacred currency of the VIBEVERSE, VIBE. While some planets will have a truce and form alliances with other planets, ultimately the VIBEVERSE is not entirely peaceful for its civilians. Invading other planets is for the ambitious with a well equipped military in place.

But make sure your raid is planned and well-executed, retaliation is inevitable. Communicate with your planets civilians, arm your military with the most advanced weapons & artillery and set out to raid a planet to steal their resources to rapidly expand your planet’s power within the VIBEVERSE.

Parts of the VIBEVERSE is neutral territory to enjoy entertainment in the galaxy. Citizens of the VIBEVERSE travel to different planets to enjoy the entertainment the VIBEVERSE has to offer. Crypto FPS planets, Casino planets, Beautiful Cities, museums, and galleries. The VIBEVERSE is always expanding and can provide entertainment for any citizen within the galaxy.

The VIBE team is very happy to make this announcement and introduce the VIBEVERSE to the VIBE community. In addition to the announcement of the VIBEVERSE. We are pleased to announce the first VIBENFT Auction will be the planets and spacecraft in the VIBEVERSE. Planets and spacecraft are very important NFT’s to the VIBEVERSE. Planet owners control their planet and work with their citizens to earn a maximum profit on all revenue their planet generates. Spacecraft is vital for travelling within VIBEVERSE. So make sure to take part in the VIBE NFT Auction to have spacecraft to travel!

All VIBE NFT’s are 100% backed with collateral and can have multiple owners. Whenever you buy a VIBENFT at Auction, the entire buy amount is backed with the NFT as collateral. VIBE NFT owners can release their collateral through their Collateral Release Option once per quarter. VIBE NFT owners can increase their collateral by holding VIBE NFT’s, lending VIBE NFT’s, earning passive income through trading commissions and the Collateral Distribution Pool (CDP).

For more information on VIBE NFT’s Collateral, Collateral Accumulation, Lending, and Collateral Distribution Pools, check out our most recent medium blogs.

For any questions or comments, Join the VIBE Telegram Channel below!




Creating next-gen NFTs & developing new standards for gaming on the blockchain.