1 min readFeb 5, 2018

Our Statement about the Super Bowl Commercial

Statement from Alessio Mack, co-founder of VIBEHub

I watched the final version of the Super Bowl commercial that aired and unfortunately NBC cut out my scene with VIBE. I assure you we went to New York and shot 2 scenes, one of which I was told would not make it because of my shirt with logo and website but the other scene with just the hat logo would be aired. This has been a bad 2 weeks for the crypto market and most likely affected NBC UNIVERSAL decision on cutting out the crypto related part of the commercial. I just spoke with Monster and they are upset as well, this was out of their control. We apologize and it was not our intention to mislead our community. We’re extremely disappointed.

This changes nothing for VIBEHub .We could not be in a better position right now as a company and achieve our ultimate goal of changing the future of your reality.


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