Why Discussing our App/Project Idea with strangers is important?

Aviral Agarwal
3 min readFeb 9, 2015


We all love what we are working on and somehow we stop discussing the idea with other because of the fear that they will take our idea and make a billion dollar fortune. We fear if they don't like our project. We fear what if they will make fun of us. We fear to talk about our own ideas. We fear about others what image they will portray after listening to our ideas and a lot of other reasons because of which we stop discussing our own ideas and somehow stop improving our idea and end up making a product which is only loved by us. “Yes there are Exceptions as well”

Why I am writing this because I too was the one above. Thinking of ideas and keeping them with myself and making something which no one wants to use.

Discussing idea is what I feel is the most important part of development. The more you discuss the idea with the right people more you will force yourself to improve it. Talking about some of the fears above believe me they are just myths. If someone else can make a Million Dollar Fortune from your idea then that idea should always belong to him because in the end we are building something to improve the life of people who use that.

And to the point that what other will talk about us and think about us lets leave that to them. Talk to Strangers as what they will say will be 100% true as they do not know you and they do not care for you. I myself prefers to talk to a lot of strangers about my idea. Sometime they entertain and give their valuable response sometimes they don't care to listen to me so why do we need to care about what they think one day they will be proud that you took their review while creating the App . I preferably like talking to people in metros and buses where they cannot ignore you as they too don't have anything else to do ;)

Yes I too will say that you should always start discussing your idea with the one you trust the most. Create wireframes and pendown each and every detail. Give some time to the idea and yourself and create a Document what your app will be how it will work. When you are confident that this looks good then comes the stage where you should talk to other about your idea. I roughly take reviews of 30–40 people to know whether I am thinking in the right direction and then I again iterate on my idea and then you can always start prototyping.

“Negative Reviews are important they will force you to work on your idea” so please listen to other with patience do not start correcting them when they discuss about your idea, pendown their points patiently because we are the one who need users for our App/Product.

So in the end I would say Please talk to Others About your Super Amazing World Changing Ideas and lets all Improve. ☺

PS : I am also working on our first App “Plicx”, and we are launching soon . You can check our website http://plicx.com/ and you can SignUp to test the app first. #NextBigAppComingSoon



Aviral Agarwal

I am A”Viral” - WWDC17 Student Scholar, a Tech Enthusiast,A beginner in entrepreneurship, innovator and a prototyper.