2 min readMay 22, 2018


The Verv team will be heading to more events in the upcoming weeks across London, Austria, Lithuania, Thailand and the US! Check out our line-up below to see if we’re popping up at an event near you. If you want to meet one of the team and find out more about our Initial Token Offering, be sure to drop us a DM on Telegram and we’ll try to set something up!


MAY 23: https://www.meetup.com/London-Corda-Meetup/events/247868595/

Event: Corda London

Attending: COO Maria McKavanagh


MAY 23:https://www.meetup.com/ethereum/events/250410088/

Event: BPNL London

Attending: Head of Product Blockchain, Yi Jean Chow


MAY 25: https://www.gatepool.com/conference

Event: Alternative Investment Forum 2018

Attending: CEO Peter Davies and Head of Investment Alexander Nicholson


May 30:https://www.womenofwearables.com/wowevents/redefining-consumer-goods-industry-with-ai-and-machine-learning

Event: Women Of Wearables

Type: Panel talk on AI & Machine Learning

Event time: 18:00–21:00

Speaking: COO Maria McKavanagh


JUNE 7: https://www.energylivenews.com/tc-events/energy-live-future/e

Event: Energy Future Live

Attending: Business Development Manager, Bill Goldie


June 18: http://www.swpark.or.th/index.php?option=com_seminar&task=3&cid=323&Itemid=129

Event: Technology Investment Conference 2018 “Investments that Spark Science and Technology Innovation”

Event time: 09:00–4:30

Speaking: Head of Product Blockchain, Yi Jean Chow


JUNE 18–19: https://www.engerati.com/meets/transactive-energy-blockchain/session/driving-p2p-energy-trading-using-ai-technology

Event: Engerati

Type: Presentation on the future of transactive energy

Event time: 11:15–17:00

Time & date of Maria’s presentation: Monday 18th June, 16:45

Speaking: COO Maria McKavanagh


JUNE 19–21: http://www.electrify-europe.com/en_GB/index.html

Event: Electrify Europe

Type: Panel discussion on the future of the energy industry

Event Time: 8:00–21:00

Time & date of panel talk: Tuesday 19th June, 16:00–17:30

Event Location: Vienna, Austria Room: Arena 5 Session Number:S2.9b

Speaking: COO Maria McKavanagh


JUNE 24–29: http://www.freetheelectron.com/

Event: Free Electrons Global Energy Programme — accelerator

Attending: CEO, Peter Davies and Head of Product Blockchain, Yi Jean Chow




London-based AI specialists unlocking unique data insights from the home. High-definition fault-finding tech for whitegoods + p2p energytrading to cut carbon