Let’s talk about our public sale!

3 min readAug 6, 2018


To our amazing VLUX community,

Those of you who have been following our project closely may have noticed that we’ve been a bit quiet recently about the date of our public sale. That’s because we’ve been busy over the past few months lining up some very exciting projects and partnerships which we believe are going to accelerate the growth of our platform to a whole new level.

These include us having secured a NEW peer-to-peer energy trading trial elsewhere in Europe, in partnership with 2 global utilities (!!), and a commercial agreement with a utility in the UAE. To top it all off, we have officially been accepted onto the Ofgem UK regulatory sandbox for our peer-to-peer energy trading community trial that’s now live in London, and one of the largest energy retailers in the UK will be joining us!

With all of this being the case (more details on all of this news coming very soon!), we have made the decision to move our public sale to late November. We believe that having our new trial and the other utility partnerships well underway before November will further cement our position in the energy space and in turn the position, strength and utility of our VLUX token as we look to maximise our opportunity for a strong start in the market.

We can’t wait to provide you with more information on all of our news which we hope you’ll be as excited about as we are. As you can imagine, working with big corporations means communication sign-off can be slow. We do want to make it clear however that we have moved the public sale as we believe it’s in the best interest of our community and the participants in our ITO as we look to accelerate our platform and its real-world implementation as quickly as possible.

Our pre-sale is still live and we’re proud to say that QCP Capital, Zcoin and Blockwall Capital are among the investors that have taken part already!

As you know, here at Verv we are on a mission to bring energy bills down to 0 and create a data-powered marketplace with the consumer at its centre. In order to do this it is vital that we develop partnerships to ensure the sustainability of our business model and we are really pleased with our progress and the feedback we’ve been getting.

We also have a number of other conversations with key global utilities underway, as well as some very promising announcements that we can’t wait to share with you in due course so watch this space!

In the meantime, here’s a quick overview of some of our more recent progress

  • New partnerships with 3 global utilities
  • Second p2p energy trading trial secured in Europe
  • Accepted onto UK regulator Ofgem’s sandbox for our p2p energy trading community in London, with a big UK energy retailer joining the trial
  • Partnered with data sharing ecosystem, Ocean Protocol, to create our own data marketplace for electrical data and beyond, empowering the consumer to monetize their data in the form of money off of their energy bills
  • Brought on Bruce Pon, founder of Ocean Protocol and BigchainDB, as an advisor
  • Partnered with decentralized VC club, Iconiq Lab
  • Received pre-sale investment from Blockwall Capital, QCP Capital and Zcoin amongst others
  • Picked as one of the world’s top 15 energy start-ups from 500+ applicants for the global energy accelerator, Free Electrons, in partnership with 15 leading utilities
  • Executed the UK’s first physical p2p trade of energy on the blockchain at our London trial in April 2018
  • Verv COO nominated as one of the most influential women in UK technology for the second year running
  • Won ‘Most Disruptive Start-up’ at Arch Summit 2018 and ‘Best Start-up’ at Bitcoinference Europe 2018

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask on Telegram!

We would love for you to join us on our mission to create a new energy marketplace that’s built for the consumer. If you haven’t already, head over to www.vlux.io to sign up for our pre-sale round or join our whitelist to secure your spot in our public sale!

Team Verv




London-based AI specialists unlocking unique data insights from the home. High-definition fault-finding tech for whitegoods + p2p energytrading to cut carbon