AI Powered Personality Insights

4 min readJan 25, 2019


Artificial Intelligence is a broad term and nowadays AI is increasingly getting involved in digital products. AI can do perfect automation, be more precise and tireless while doing mundane and repetitive tasks. However, over time AI is gaining momentum in decision making process and is starting to be integrated in processes, associated with customers.

One of such interesting and promising domain of AI application is customer personality insight analysis. Machine learning, coupled with natural language processing (NLP) equips computers to analyse human behavior based on interactive communication with them. You probably already know that customer data is the ultimate source that fuels product development and customization. And personality insights is right in the epicenter of such data aggregation.

From the very beginning it should be noted that personality insights is not similar to data surveillance and user privacy concerns are not attributed with this. Similar as cloth shop assistant observes you regarding to which products you pay attention to detect your fashion interest patterns and advise you on a particular brand, personality insights tools do the same, just they observe your online experience on the website.

Such tools can be grouped in two major categories:

  1. User facing tools, such as chatbots for instance
  2. Server-side tools, such as IBM Watson for example

Modern bot development is so sophisticated that you might hardly distinguish difference between well crafted virtual assistant (bot) and a human operator. Bots are using NLP to analyse and understand content of the chat and detect your interests, intentions and grab certain pieces of data from your conversation.

This data is then submitted to heavy duty AI tools, like IBM Watson. AI performs detailed examination of provided information and builds customer profile around Big Five personality traits according to OCEAN Model. We will not drill down to extensive psychological details of these traits, however you can assume that they define human personality pretty in depth, so you could understand who is the person you are dealing with.

These traits are further analysed and subtraits are revealed. You can visit IBM and try Watson capabilities on your own. As an example IBM provides some quick tools to test Watson on the go. This is IBM Watson derived personality insights of Oprah Winfrey based on her Twitter activity:

You can click here and read about the science behind Watson. No it’s not magic, it’s science. Algorithms never lie. Well, mostly :)

Probably you now have a feeling how handy this technology is in Know Your Customer (KYC) comprehension. From online merchants to enterprise level financial institutions are using personality insights to understand their customers in advance. Sometimes they use this data to decide which products they should display to assist user in purchasing decision making, sometimes they use this data to identify loan risks. Needles to say the application domain in countless.

At VOBI our clients frequently ask us to integrate personality insight capabilities into their products. We are glad to help them to better understand their customers. For this reason we select relevant tools, APIs and libraries from well knowns vendors and twick them further to fit our client’s needs. This is a very creative process and we love doing this job. Job gets even more exciting if there is a need to integrate and combine several methodologies and tools to create best version of user experience.

It is very important to keep UX simplicity despite elaborate functionality which provides all the work. Therefore, designing such products is always a joint effort of involved parties. For example, EasyShair Pro, a great product with business entity analysis was created by close collaboration of QuickTech (Morocco) and VOBI (Georgia). The first had the brilliant vision regarding to what kind of insights would be most useful for modern businessmen and entrepreneurs. The later had the technical capacity to equip QuickTech product with cutting edge functionalities to deliver seamless analysis experience to EasyShair Pro users. Check this link to find out more about EasyShair Pro and its powerful analytics engine.

Another line of software we usually integrate AI capabilities is commercial chatbots, which act as online sales agents or perform proactive marketing campaigns. Bots are nearly always connected with NLP tools to better understand chat messages and simulate human experience. The data bots collect perfectly identify potential customer’s interests and inclinations. Bots can patiently and tirelessly assist customers through a complex process, such as registration, booking or ordering. For example bots can help customer book a flight ticket directly from Facebook Messenger interface. While helping the customer, bot memorizes the experience and adjusts its performance for the next user. The data collected on the way can also be submitted for personality insights if such need arises for the business owner of the product.

As you can see modern technologies are powerful and when configured and executed correctly they can provide brilliant assistance to both supplier and customer. Thanks to such advanced analytics companies cut time and costs and can provide better products for the population. Also remember — with great power comes great responsibility as well. So use the technology wisely with VOBI 😉




Written by VOBI.IO

VOBI - Voice of Business [Blockchain], Integrated - hub of decentralized web and mobile software crafters, with cutting-edge tools and top-notch expertise.

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