VR Porn & Sex in the Digital Age

VR Porn Galaxy
3 min readFeb 6, 2017


The adult entertainment sector is a billion dollar business all by itself. However, when you add in the emergence of virtual reality its safe to express this number could easily double in a short matter of time. So how long before the need for a partner fully disappears? It doesnt take much to satisfy our sexual demands with todays technology as well as the continuing advancements in the technology industry.

Imaginations are no longer needed as the content a person desires is appropriate at their fingertips. Its just an issue of time ahead of the line between dream and reality becomes blurred enough that we have trouble telling the difference. Maybe you have watched the television series, Individuals where a man purchases a artificial robot and decides to effective the adult programming so he can have sex with her? In the show every home has a humanoid which is programmed to help out with the children, day-to-day chores and also to sleep with individuals. They look exactly like a man but theyre actually a robot. In 1996 a United States business, Abyss Creations, created their very first silicone sex doll. At this time they’re working on creating a sex robot. Thats correct; an actual sex robot. They’ve named the female robot Harmony and she will include many realistic features to make her as human-like as possible. What features might these be? For starters, shell have built in artificial intelligence so she can effectively communicate using a man and shell also have heaters in her intimate areas.

What exactly would happen whether these robots become very popular and also the demand is high? What might the effect be on our present human relations; love and sex lives? Dr. Ian Pearsons, a futurologist created a report where he calls that humanoid robots will be found in families by the year 2025. He also forecasts that by 2050 it will be common for humans to have sex with robots. Dr. Pearsons points out that people already make fasteners to non human beings, so why wouldnt they become attached or fall in love with robots? On the contrary, Dr. Kathleen Richardson believes that sexbots would be despairing and damaging to our society, posing a threat to women all over the world. She even went as far as starting a campaign Campaign Against Sex Robots to fight to get a whole ban of sex robot creation. VR Porn & Robot Toys Virtual reality technology is slowly improving and its becoming more common to find toys and porn for the VR world. VR porn and sex toys happen to be transforming the business of adult entertainment and the technology hasn’t advanced very far yet.

Kiiroo, an Amsterdam based organization is just one of the many businesses getting involved using the creation of VR sex toys. Couples that are in long distance relationships could benefit from their recently found toy. The guy has a tube that mimics a vagina while the girl has a mechanical dildo to mimic a dick. The toys respond to the touch of the user so regardless of simply how much distance is between the couple they could still join and socialize in a life like way. The toys have since been connected to VR porn videos because the recent launch. Therapists are showing their issues regarding VR porn and also the repercussions which could arise. Porn addiction is real and some therapists feel it could worsen with the development of VR porn. Regardless of how the experts feel VR technology along with the adult entertainment business dont look to be going everywhere. You can find many possibilities that could appear for people who have a hard time getting intimate with someone, or cant find love as readily as others, etc. And for long distance couples this could be a genuine game-changer.



VR Porn Galaxy

VR Porn Galaxy is the new source for streaming 3D Virtual Reality entertainment to your VR Headset. www.vrporngalaxy.com