Vladimir Vassiliev
1 min readJun 19, 2015


I agree that a programming language affects how you think about problems. However in my opinion, it is a problem of education. We are generally taught how to program not how to solve original problems. We should rather think in the language of the problem and then translate the solution in to a programming language. Such translation often means creating a domain language using constructs from programming language. Like a linear algebra library essentially implements a linear algebra “language”.

Programming languages are designed around computational models, which are mathematical models. Are there any mathematical models for women? Mathematical models are abstract and not gender based in my opinion. The same seems to be true for human languages as well. Are there any gender specific ones? I mean the language structure not vocabulary.

To me the question is: “Would a language describing a model, that is used to solve a gender specific problem, be also gender specific?” I don’t think it would, but I am not an expert in that area.

