3 min readMay 11, 2022



Game Scholarships are an amazing resource that can help pay for some or all your needs. Gaming scholarships can be a lifesaver for a lot of people who are hoping for some financial assistance.

Scholarships are awarded to deserving individuals by managers or guilds, connecting gamers with investors or stakeholders who got the resources, but do not have the time to play the game. Looking at it both ways, it is a win/win situation for both parties.


The perks of a game scholar go beyond the financial benefits. Here are some:

Remotely Play the Game

These games may be played from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Because most games are accessible over the internet, you can play from anywhere in the world. By phone, computer, or any other device. Games are readily accessible.

Freedom to choose

You get to choose how many hours you wish to devote to the game. However, the amount you make will be determined by the amount of time and work you put in. You may play more hours or less and still, it will be up to you!

Reduces the Financial Burden

Play to earn games allows you to put food on the table and pay for other necessities. Being a scholar reduces the financial burden for you and the whole family.

No Need to Invest

There is no need to shell out money to buy NFTs and start a game. Someone will do it for you. Just play the game!

Excellence Rewards

Participating in competitions or tournaments provides a gamer with additional rewards such as acknowledgement of skills and talents as well as fame as you stand out among your peers.

Potential to become an Esport Athlete

Teams, leagues, and sponsors will notice you when your talents and abilities have been perfected and you are leading the pack. You will have a lot of opportunities to join an esports team and get international recognition.


VVGuild is offering scholarships to deserving gamers. Just head on to our VVG website and tell us about yourself and why you should become part of our scholarship program.



VVGuild aims to be one of the most valued organizations of its kind. With the DAO positioned at the forefront of NFT gaming and the Metaverse,we seeks to integrate TradFi and DeFi investors into the emerging market of NFTs, Metaverse and Play-To-Earn industry.

We will connect investors who don’t have the time to play P2E games and players who don’t have the funds to invest in these NFT assets, maximizing the potential of both sides.

Our proprietary system enable investors and scholars to generate enormous returns by introducing high potential projects with significant low risk.
We are at the origins of the new virtual economy infrastructure, which will become the financial system foundation of the metaverse.

Know more about VVGuild. Visit our Official Platforms and Channels!

VVGuild — Play the Future. Today

