4 technologies that will change the way we shop online!

Vakhtang Abuladze
2 min readOct 20, 2017


What do we mean when say that Bazista is going to be the next-gen trading platform? First of all, we think about the tech which would provide the most simple and convenient shopping experience a user could get online. We’ve studied some of the key barriers to the e-commerce growth and believe that we can overcome some of the most significant of them by successfully integrating new tech.

Let’s take a look at some of the game-changers:

Augmenter reality (AR): quite an obvious one, the tech which allows finding clothes that fit you or pieces that combine well with each other or even to check whether that particular painting fits your living room well. Today AR technologies are developed enough to overcome one of essentially high e-commerce growth barriers, that is simply being afraid that online purchase won’t match your expectations.

Blockchain: decentralized data system may provide transparency and efficiency of trading operations, allowing both buyer and seller to benefit at the same time. That’s the magic of blockchain! It reduces time and financial costs, especially if we talk international transactions. That’s why banks all over the world are looking to integrate blockchain, as it would save them a lot of money.

Artificial intelligence (AI): another obvious one, starting with simple examples like chatbots, which allow automated sales and support services, limited by a pre-set number of actions. And moving to neural networks and complex functional AI, that can be found in a modern type of car, which basically drives itself. Of course, at such a high level of development of the tech we can expect a truly effective and seamless shopping assistance that offers you perfect fits at a best price.

Internet of Things (IoT): the interconnection of various home appliances may, first of all, provide valuable information about the products and services that a specific household is using. Is there a way to become more relevant than by knowing what you already like or purchase and utilize that to provide new shopping opportunities?

This is not the Bazista prototype design, MVP will be realised soon

We believe that modern digitally native youth presents great potential for the strategic development of Bazista that’s why successfully integrating some of the technologies listed will become one of our priorities during the first years after the platform launch. Stay tuned and we will keep you informed about the unique features of the upcoming platform!

